Magic vs. Psionics in Embril | World Anvil

Magic vs. Psionics

Detect Magic/Detect Psionics

Detect Magic can detect psionic auras and Detect Psionics can detect magic auras. The caster or manifester can tell the difference between the auras. However, to determine the school of magic or psionic discipline involved in each will require the appropriate Spellcraft or Psicraft skill check, respectively. Those skills are not interchangeable.  

Identify/Psionic Identify

Identify and Psionic Identify can be used to determine the properties of either a magical or psionic item.  


A Dispel Magic spell has a diminished effect on psionic powers, while a Dispel Psionics power has a diminished effect on magic. When making a dispel check against the opposing energy, the check is assessed at a –4 penalty.  

Mind-Affecting Spells and Powers

Creatures with resistance to enchantment spells and effects only receive half their bonus vs. psionic telepathy powers. For instance, elves gain a +1 bonus on their Will saving throws to resist powers from the telepathy discipline.  

Dead Magic/Null Psionic Areas

Psionics have a chance to be hindered in an area of dead magic, and vice versa. Each round, an opposing effect has only a 50% chance to remain unhindered. If hindered, it is considered suppressed for 1d4 rounds, then it becomes unhindered for the remaining duration of the power.  

Spell Resistance and Power Resistance

Spell Resistance (SR) works against powers, and Power Resistance (PR) works against spells, though in both cases the PR and SR is considered to be 5 lower than its actual value. Thus a creature with an SR of 25 resists a power as though it had a PR of 20.


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