Magus, God of Magic in Embril | World Anvil

Magus, God of Magic

The Master of Magic, The Mystic One

Symbol: Star with eye
Home Plane:
Magic, psionics
Spellcasters, manifesters, sages
Cleric Alignments:
Illusion (SC), Magic (PH), Mentalism (SC), Rune (SC), Spell (SC),
Favored Weapon:
“Mystic Staff” (Quarterstaff)   Dogma: Love, trust, and respect the Mystic Arts, Magus’ gift to all. Seek to expand your knowledge in the arcane and strive to create new magic and psionics with the Mystic One’s blessing. But, practice it responsibly. The power of the Mystic Arts is vast, with the potential to be beautiful and terrible in equal measure. Knowing when not to use the Mystic Arts is as important as knowing when and how to demonstrate your power.   History/Relationships: Magus is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. In creation, he infused the Embril with the Mystic Arts, magic and psionics. At first, magic was only available in its divine form, a power wielded by clerics and the faithful of Magus. Eventually, however, the people discovered arcane magic and psionics and Magus’ influence grew. He remains a powerful and highly venerated deity. He works closely with Eruditio, God of Knowledge, and is friends with Artis, Goddess of Craft. Magus tries to remain neutral in debates between good and evil and believes that the Mystic Arts is a tool that anyone should have access to. What they do with it, however, should be monitored in order to maintain balance. Magus respects all the gods, but he opposes Vastator, God of Destruction, whose agenda could ultimately undo everything the gods have created.   Clergy and Temples: Magus’ clergy works to preserve all lore pertaining to the Mystic Arts. To this end, they maintain secret libraries, hidden vaults, and guarded research laboratories. They search out beings skilled in the Mystic Arts and keep watch on the power and behavior of individuals likely to become spellcasters or manifesters of great importance. The clergy seeks out sources of old magic and psionics, considering it more crucial to know the precise location of artifacts and items of power than to necessarily possess them. Though, they will act towards attaining such items if the owners seriously threaten to swing the balance towards chaos. Many clerics of Magus multiclass as wizards, or even psions. Temples of Magus are usually erected with the aid of the Mystic Art, and their construction reflects this in an effort to display their god’s power. The actual buildings will vary, each one being unique in some way. Their high temple is also their oldest and grandest, located in West Andaria, though the temple in Church is closely related and clergy are often shared between them. The ceremonial garb of a cleric of Magus is blue robes with a large embroidery of their holy symbol in the center of the chest.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
Sanctuary of the Mystic Arts (Alim, Athayra)
House of the Mystic (Nascadia, Athayra)
The Holy Temple of the Mystic Arts (Church)
The Tower of Magic (Bransea, Goldcoast)
Hall of the Mystic One (Sulgerd, Goldcoast)
Spellweaver’s Hall (Uhlm, Goldcoast)
The Tower of Spells (Delvine, Kainan)
The Sparkling Temple (Grenace, Kainan)
The Hall of Mystic Grace (Penton, Kainan)
The Temple of the Magician (Rindell, Kainan)
The Sanctum of Magic (Sylvia, Kainan)
The Grand Tower of the Mystic Arts (West Andaria, Kainan)
The Mystic Temple (York, Kainan)
The Magic Temple (Rowadin)
Arcane Hall (Talith)


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