Mundus, God of Nature in Embril | World Anvil

Mundus, God of Nature

Great Father, The Patriarch

Symbol: Tree with roots
Home Plane:
Nature, wilderness, hunting
Druids, rangers, hunters, barbarians
Cleric Alignments:
Animal (PH), Balance (SC), Plant (PH), Renewal (SC), Time (SC)
Favored Weapon:
Tree (Greatclub)   Dogma: Live in harmony with nature and help to preserve its balance. Respect the circle of life and understand that all living things are a part of it. Nature can as beautiful as it can be dangerous. Those at one with nature have little to fear from the wild. Those ignorant of the balance in the wilderness might be brought down by what lives within. But that is the natural order of things and it must be respected.   History/Relationships: Mundus is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. His power is engrained into the fabric of the world, governing nature in all its forms. At the beginning of time, Mundus tended Embril with his wife, Vita, Goddess of Life. But as the scope of their work grew, they birthed triplets, sharing with each an aspect of nature. Thus, Caelum, God of the Sky, Pontus, God of the Sea, and Terra, Goddess of the Land were born. Centuries later, Mundus had an affair with Luna, Goddess of the Moon. From this affair, Clades, Goddess of Disaster was born. Their affair was seen as a scandal among the gods and each lost some popularity with their peers. It also tore a rift between Vita and himself. In her grief, Vita had an affair with Mortem, God of Death. From their union, Umbra, Goddess of Shadow was born. After this affair, there was no hope of reconciliation with Vita, and their marriage was ended. Mundus has always tried to remain neutral in all matters and does not look to make enemies with any of the gods. He loves his children, and grandchild, and all except for Clades and Vastator, God of Destruction, they love him back. He still cares for Vita, but he is aware that relationship can never be mended. Though Mortem hates him, Mundus does not reciprocate this. All that has happened has just been the nature of things, and must be accepted.   Clergy and Temples: The clergy of Mundus is comprised of mostly druids and rangers, with few clerics. They are all lovers of nature and seek to instruct people, especially in less civilized lands, on ways they can better live with nature, instead of against it. They seek to preserve the balance of nature and fight against overexpansion, overhunting, and the despoiling of wild areas in general. To this end, they are not above selective breeding and the careful placement of predators in the wild to discourage civilized folk from intruding where they are not wanted. The church of Mundus has no central organization or structure, existing as independent cells. Temples are typically not large physical structures. They are usually groves or grottos, with trees, gardens, and other natural features. A minimalistic structure will be erected at temples in cities and towns, just to protect against severe weather, but the majority will be open to nature. Ceremonial garb for a druid, cleric, or ranger of Mundus varies slightly, but all will be in natural colors of green and brown with a forest green cloak. An armor of leather shaped to appear like overlapping leaves will be worn by druids and rangers, while clerics may wear scale mail with the same leaf pattern made of metal.   Holidays:
Nature’s Blessing – Offer instruction to anyone looking to learn about nature.   Known Temples:
The Grand Temple of the Patriarch (Church)
Deep Root Grove (Sembria, Dylanthatar)
High Grove (Tallridge, Dylanthatar)
Great Father Glade (Glimwood, Escaria)
The House of Mundus (Thar, Escaria)
Wilderness Grove (Woodmarch, Escaria)
Shrine (Boros, Kainan)
Nature’s Grove (Caelum, Terra) (Kingswood, Kainan)
Green Haven (Caelum, Terra) (Mantle, Kainan)
Shrine to the Nature Gods (Caelum, Pontus, Terra) (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
The House of the Great Father (West Andaria, Kainan)
Nature’s Shrine (Caelum, Pontus, Terra) (York, Kainan)
Shrine (Karavale)
The House of Land, Air, and Sea (Caelum, Pontus, Terra) (Molinay)
The Green Altar (Green Hills, Oathendale)
Great Father’s Sanctum (Helmsford, Oathendale)
Shrine (Prend, Oathendale)
Mundus’ Grotto (Tall Rock, Oathendale)
Shrine (Wistor, Oathendale)
The Sacred Grove (Caelum, Pontus, Terra) (Rowadin)
Shrine (Talith)
Wildhome (Caelum, Terra) (Adderton, Thayland)
Shaded Sanctuary (Caelum, Pontus, Terra) (Espina, Thayland)


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