Myths & Legends in Embril | World Anvil

Myths & Legends


The warlock, Azcreon was infamous for bringing the Demon Lord, Maglari, into Embril. But his actions after Maglari’s defeat are subject to much speculation. He disappeared from East Andaria and was never seen again. Many rumors surround his disappearance, but two are the most popular. One, many believe Azcreon was instrumental in followers of the Demon Prince, Graz’zt, taking control in East Andaria and founding Garamoor. However, many believe Azcreon was killed by Graz’zt after communing with him, or enslaved by him, living out the rest of his life imprisoned in the Abyss. The second theory is that Azcreon left on a quest to Clades’ Wrath in search of the Heart of Embril, but never returned, meeting his end there.  

The Chalice of Decay

The legend behind this artifact is that it is a chalice carved from bone, created by Mortem, God of Death. The Chalice of Decay was used to create the first undead on Embril. It is rumored that it has the power to cause an effect similar to a Horrid Wilting spell when liquid is poured from it, spreading decay over a wide area from the point of its spill. Living creatures killed by this effect raise as an undead shortly after death as skeletons or zombies. Furthermore, any living creature drinking from the chalice dies immediately, raising shortly thereafter as a sentient undead creature, like a vampire or a lich.  

Eridus, the Righteous

This was a brave knight who was said to live early in the Age of Conflict, sometime after the formation of the Andarian Empire. Eridus, the Righteous was a paladin of Iustitia who went on several quests for the temple to smite evil. During his career he was said to have slain demons, devils, liches, and dragons, equipped with a powerful holy avenger blessed by Iustitia herself, a grand suit of plate mail armor, and a glowing shield. Dozens of tales of his exploits have remained popular throughout the years, recounted in bard songs, storybooks, and poems. His final adventure was said to be a quest to slay an evil lich and destroy its phylactery. Every story, poem, or song that recounts this claims that Eridus never returned from his trek to the swamp below the mountains of serpents, having succumbed to the lich’s power. And that his tomb is located somewhere in that area, waiting for a righteous hero to claim his powerful magic items and continue his quest to vanquish evil.  

The Heart of Embril

The Heart of Embril is said to be a stone-like artifact used by the twelve original gods of the Embrillian Pantheon to imbue the world of Embril with life. Legends claim that the gods all imbued the stone with their power before thrusting it into the ground. Out from the stone sprouted the Valley of Eden and then the rest of Embril. After the creation of the world, during the Age of Eden, the Heart of Embril was kept in the Pantheon Temple of the Embrillian Gods, a temple built around the spot where the stone was used. After Clades’ Wrath, the stone remained within the temple, trapped behind Terra’s Wall. The Heart of Embril is said to be an artifact of incredible power, and some sages claim that it might be possible to use the stone to gain the powers of a god. This theory has especially grown in popularity in the last few decades. There have been numerous expeditions into Clades’ Wrath to retrieve the Heart of Embril, but all have failed. In fact, none who have ventured past Terra’s Wall have ever returned.  


Merlin was the name of the first wizard on Embril. Legends claim that the first magic practiced was divine magic, usable only by clerics and gifted to them by the gods. But eventually, one man unaffiliated with the clergy discovered the secrets to spellcasting. This man was Merlin. Little is known about Merlin’s exploits as all firsthand historical records and accounts of the Age of Eden were destroyed in Clades’ Wrath. But the advent of arcane magic on Embril has always been attributed to him. Some stories suggest that for his monumental discovery, Merlin was greatly rewarded by Magus, God of Magic.


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