Namarak Coast in Embril | World Anvil

Namarak Coast

When most people think if the Namarak Coast, they think of port towns full of shrewd merchants, scoundrels, and cutthroat pirates. That opinion is not entirely incorrect. Though, with the exception of Pearl, the towns of the Namarak Coast are not entirely lawless dens of villainy. These city-states sprung up to facilitate trade between Zamilon and the rest of the Mathari Sea, and a lot of time, effort, and resources goes into protecting the goods that pass through these ports, again, with the possible exception of Pearl.  

Life and Society

Customs and mannerisms between the independent city-states along the Namarak Coast may vary from city to city, but they all their peoples share an ambition to claim a piece of the wealth that passes through these ports. There are no official classes along the Namarak Coast, just haves and have nots. Those without do whatever it takes to earn a few coins and to make a living, while the rich try to take advantage of the situation and increase their wealth.   There are farmers and shepherds struggling to produce in the harsh desert climate. There are craftsmen in the towns providing necessary services at a premium price in an economy that bares considerably more demand than it does supply. Service industries cater to the merchants and sailors that pass through, offering food, shelter, comfort, and entertainment at a commensurate cost. And local merchants peddle wares to anyone they can, ready to test their silver-tongued salesmanship against bargain-hunting shoppers in a contest of wills where a few extra coins is the coveted prize.   In addition to legitimate ways of earning a living, there are many pirates, thieves, and pickpockets craving a quick score in the absence of highly organized law enforcement. Mercenaries perform the majority of the law enforcement in the region, paid to protect a specific merchant oligarch’s wares and interests, or has hired caravan guards. The majority of the town guards are also mercenaries working contracts for a set duration of time for an agreed upon fee.  

Major Geographical Features

The majority of the Namarak Coast is desert coastland, a terrain where most find it difficult to survive. But difficult does not mean it’s impossible. The Mathari Sea acts as the regions life’s blood. Ships sail up and down the coast carrying vital supplies and wares for the sake of mercantilism, and the towns that have appeared on the coast have become like oases for those willing to endure the desert’s harsh conditions in the hopes of earning a successful living.   Namarak Desert: This large desert is home to numerous nomadic tribes. Throughout history, no nation has claimed the Namarak Desert and it has remained largely unsettled. Only recently, within the last century, have port towns sprung up along the Namarak coast. And those have been created to assist in trade with Port Scale in Zamilon. The interior of the Namarak Desert is mainly wild, inhabited by several dangerous monsters and animals, including basilisks, yuan-ti, and various desert dragons.   Pirate Isles: As the name implies, these islands are indeed a haven for pirates. No nation claims the Pirate Isles and numerous pirate ships use these islands as their base. Pirate enclaves dot the islands and secret stashes of buried treasure are rumored to be hidden throughout. Apart from various pirates, the islands also are home to numerous aquatic creatures, either around their shores or in sea caves along the coast.  

Important Settlements

All settlements in the region are found either along the coast or on one of the islands. Most settlements on the coast were built alongside a natural oasis, river, or some other source of fresh water. Farther inland the desert is roamed by nomads. But these nomadic tribes hold no allegiance to any of the settlements of the Namarak Coast. Though many nomads visit the towns to conduct trade.   Brightsands (Large Town, 2,500): Of all the towns on the Namarak Coast, Brightsands is the most organized and lawful. It houses a permanent town guard and enforces the most laws and regulations. However, corruption is a known problem in Brightsands. The temple of Bahamut is Brightsands’ most vocal proponent of law and order. The church of Bahamut came to Brightsands, originally, to help refugees from Zamilon who were seeking to escape the rule of the great wyrm red dragon that rules that empire. But as they engrained themselves in Brightsands they found additional causes to champion, like supporting the government in the hopes of bringing more stability to the town. Often, followers of Bahamut find themselves working with the town guard to bring down known criminals. They also offer free healing services to all town guards.   Brightsands is a republic governed by the Lord Magistrate. The Lord Magistrate serves a five year term with the possibility of reelection. The current Lord Magistrate of Brightsands is Gilliam Arnoud.   Brightsands’ banner is a yellow bottom half and a blue top half with a sun in the center of the blue.   Darmae (Large Town, 3,000): Darmae is an oligarchy run by the Darmaen Council. The Darmaen Council is a five member council made up from the most powerful businessmen in Darmae. Councilmembers change from time to time, by a means handled strictly by the council itself. In fact, the average citizen does not know how this process is handled. The Darmaen Council simply announces its changes whenever they happen, just as they announce any proclamations, law changes, or statements. The identity of the councilmembers is not held secret, but most people do not know, or care, who they are. It is widely known, however, that Harbormaster Domrick Lenz is a member of the Darmaen Council.   Darmae trades heavily with Port Scale and it is known that various trade agreements exist between the two cities. Of the cities on the Namarak Coast, it sees the least trouble from piracy. Though many pirate ships dock in Darmae, from time to time, most on their way to or from Port Scale.   Darmae’s banner is a blue bottom half with a red and yellow stripes radiating in a starburst pattern on the top half.   Pearl (Small Town, 1,500): The town of Pearl has no official government and would officially be considered anarchy. The Pirate Code is the only authority. Pearl originated as a meeting place for pirate captains to discuss matters, such as potential targets, alliances, and regional current events that might affect them. A town was built around this meeting place with taverns, inns, brothels, blacksmiths, a small shipyard capable of basic repairs, and anything else the sailors might need or desire. Even a small temple of Umbra was built in Pearl as even pirates saw the need for clerical magic and healing on their ship’s crew.   Pearl is not considered a true sovereign state since it has no officially recognized law, and therefore, has no recognized banner. But the traditional pirate flag of a black background with a white skull and crossbones flies above the docks, identifying Pearl as a safe haven for pirate ships.   Southcoast (Large Town, 3,500): This is the oldest settlement on the Namarak Coast. It was the first port created to facilitate sea trade with Port Scale. As such, it has good trade relations with Port Scale. Southcoast is also the closest town to the Pirate Isles, though this proximity does not bother those in Southcoast as much as one might expect. Ships docked in Southcoast are never targeted by pirates and pirates do not cause much trouble in town. Southcoast employs several mercenaries as guards and gives them license to protect the town’s interests, especially those of the oligarchs in charge, by whatever means necessary. In the past, many a pirate causing problems in Southcoast had found themselves at the end of a mercenary’s sword as a result of their lawless actions. Of course, once a merchant ship sails beyond sight of Southcoast, they are on their own.   Southcoast is officially an autocracy where Lord Zeddicus Stone rules with complete authority. He is supported by the oligarchs of the town, individuals with power and wealth who own most of Southcoast’s significant businesses. In reality, however, it is widely known that Lord Zeddicus is controlled by the true power players of Southcoast, effectively making the town an oligarchy.   Southcoast’s banner is a solid red background on the right half with vertical red and white stripes on the left half, and four gold diamonds arranged in a diamond pattern on the red background.  

Regional History

The Namarak Desert has been inhabited by nomadic tribes for thousands of years. True settlements never took hold in the harsh, arid climate. Most nations, including the Andarian Empire, ignored the desert and avoided it. However, just over a century ago when Port Scale was founded in Zamilon, the need arose for safe harbors between this city and the distant ports in the Mathari Sea.   In 414AV, a group of wealthy merchants from Zamilon got together and founded the town of Southcoast. Southcoast was created as an independent city-state, free from Zamilon’s rule. However Zamilonian influence was apparent. Trade ships from Zamilon were able to dock in Southcoast with reduced fees and several trade agreements with Zamilon were agreed.   Years later, with the success of Southcoast drew further investers and other ports were founded along the Namarak Coast. Darmae was founded in 432 AV. Pearl was founded in 440 AV. Brightsands was founded in 445 AV.   With the exception of Pearl, these ports were created as trade stops between Zamilon and the rest of the nations along the Mathari Sea. Pearl, however, was created out of the need for a common ground for pirate captains to meet and hold parley. The need for this was strongest after an incident in 437 AV when a flight of red dragons attacked and sank several pirate ships in the Pirate Isles in retaliation for pirate attacks on Zamilonian ships in the Mathari Sea. The pirates of the Pirate Isles have been careful not to attack ships flying a Zamilonian banner ever since. In addition, since this incident, pirate ships have been known to frequent Port Scale where they are granted safe harbor. What business they have there is pure speculation, but several pirate ships have been witnessed unloading cargo in Port Scale.

Varies by city-state

Varies by city-state

80,000 (humans 89%, half-elves 4%, half-orcs 3%, halflings 2%, gnomes 1%)

Brightsander, Darmaen, Pirate, Southcoaster

Bahamut, Fortuna, Luna, Pontus, Umbra

Armor, fruits, grain, metal, ore, timber, vegetables, weapons

Fish, glass, slaves, spices, textiles, wine


The Continent of Velen


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