Pontus, God of the Sea in Embril | World Anvil

Pontus, God of the Sea

The Wavemaster, The Lord of the Deep

Symbol: Cresting wave
Home Plane:
Sea, rivers, lakes, water, aquatic creatures
Druids, rangers, sailors, fishermen, coastal dwellers, sentient sea creatures
Cleric Alignments:
Animal (PH), Ocean (SC), Plant (PH), Storm (SC), Water (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Undertow” (Trident)   Dogma: Respect the seas, rivers, and lakes, as well as the creatures that dwell within them. Pontus’ power is grand. Water can extinguish fire, dissolve earth, and form clouds in the sky that rain upon the land. All life drinks of the water Pontus provides. Be fluid when facing challenges, but not unnaturally so. If your reasoning follows the direction of the currents, mindful of the ebb and flow of the tides, you will ultimately discover the natural order in all things.   History/Relationships: Pontus is one of the children of Mundus, God of Nature, and Vita, Goddess of Life, born during the Age of Eden to help his parents with the governing of the natural world. He gets along well enough with his brother Caelum, God of the Sky, and his sister, Terra, Goddess of the Land, though a sibling rivalry exists between the triplets. Each believes his or her aspect of nature is dominant, and Pontus is quick to boast to his siblings how his water pervades through their domains in the form of rain, rivers, and lakes. He also gets along well with his mother and father, despite their separation. Pontus has few enemies among the gods based on philosophical reasons, preferring to remain neutral on debates between good and evil. But he dislikes several for personal reasons. First is his half-sister, Clades, Goddess of Disaster, who frequently causes storms and floods, manipulating the water under his dominion. In addition, he thinks little of her son, Vastator, God of Destruction. He also dislikes Luna, Goddess of the Moon, primarily for her seduction of her father and the resulting birth of Clades, and secondly for the influence she exerts on the tides. Similarly, he does not care much for Mortem, God of Death, who had an affair with his mother, nor Umbra, Goddess of Shadow, who was the result of this affair.   Clergy and Temples: Temples of Pontus are some of the widest spread throughout Embril. They can be found in many nations, in many coastal cities and towns, built along the shore with a view of the sea or lake. These temples conduct few sermons and services, and serve mainly as sites for sailors and merchants to make offerings to appease Pontus before a voyage in the hopes that he protects them from Clades’ wrath. As such, the church of Pontus has no organized hierarchy. Many clerics of Pontus serve as prelates on ships; almost every captain and crewmember would prefer them over the clergy of any other faith in this role. Ceremonial garb for clerics of Pontus is blue-green robes with white trim, sometimes embroidered with a fish scale pattern.   Holidays:
Nature’s Blessing – Lead and encourage, swimming, fishing, sailing, and water activities.   Known Temples:
Calm Shore Sanctuary (Bay Shore, Anthaal)
The Sailor’s Holy Sanctuary (Niadara, Anthaal)
The Temple of the Wavemaster (Olori, Anthaal)
The Temple of the Deep (Southpoint, Barosk)
Shrine (Brightsands)
Oceanview (Elmar, Camlund)
The Temple of the Sea God (Church)
Shrine (Darmae)
Shrine (Glimwood, Escaria)
The Temple of the Tides (Daymark, Frithia)
The Great Wave (Laragos, Frithia)
The House of the Golden Anchor (Port Dundren, Great Thrundar)
Seashore Hall (Aspara, Jaathridarr)
The House of the Waves (Binnabar, Jaathridarr)
The Temple of the Great Blue Sea (Molo, Jaathridarr)
Shrine (Alidar, Kainan)
The House of Pontus (Delvine, Kainan)
The Gentle Waters (Enera, Kainan)
The Holy Anchor (Grenace, Kainan)
The Temple of the Waves (Kelter, Kainan)
Lord of the Deep Hall (Penton, Kainan)
Shrine (Rindell, Kainan)
Shrine (Sylvia, Kainan)
Shrine to the Nature Gods (Caelum, Mundus, Terra) (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
The Wavemaster’s Hall (West Andaria, Kainan)
Nature’s Shrine (Caelum, Mundus, Terra) (York, Kainan)
Shrine (Karavale)
The House of Land, Air, and Sea (Caelum, Mundus, Terra) (Molinay)
The Holy Sea Sanctum (Pelinhal, North Durman)
Shrine (Pearl)
The Sacred Grove (Caelum, Mundus, Terra) (Rowadin)
The Sailor’s Port (Southcoast)
The Trident’s Call (Falfar, South Durman)
Shrine (Talith)
Shaded Sanctuary (Caelum, Mundus, Terra) (Espina, Thayland)


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