Solis, God of the Sun in Embril | World Anvil

Solis, God of the Sun

The Eternal Blaze, The Shining God

Symbol: Blazing sun
Home Plane:
Sun, light, fire, time
Paladins, hunters of the undead, heroes
Cleric Alignments:
Fire (PH), Good (PH), Glory (SC), Sun (PH), Time (SC)
Favored Weapon:
“Sunstrike” (Morningstar)   Dogma: The sun always rises and obliterates the darkness. Take heart in this fact and actively seek to destroy darkness and evil wherever it may hide. Know that nothing good hides from the sun. The sun energizes, sustains, and makes life possible. It provides warmth and light, as should you in all your dealings. Let your inner light soothe and comfort those in need, just as it will surely burn any evil it touches.   History/Relationships: Solis is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. His faith has always been popular within civilized lands, venerated by commoners even in places where his temples do not exist. Solis is married to Iustitia, Goddess of Justice, and they have been together since the beginning of time. More recently in the context of time, their marriage bore the birth of Viribus, God of Valor, marking the end of the Age of Conflict and the beginning of the Age of Valor. Collectively, the three gods are known as the Trinity. Solis considers all good-aligned deities his allies, and is close to his twin sister, Luna, Goddess of the Moon. Solis despises evil and considers all evil gods his enemies. But he does harbor a grudging respect for some of their portfolios, recognizing the need for those aspects, even if he does not agree with the manner in which the deity conducts his business. Despite their familial connection, Solis despises the actions of Vastator, God of Destruction, and Clades, Goddess of Disaster. He also actively opposes the actions of Mortem, God of Death, and Umbra, Goddess of Shadow.   Clergy and Temples: The church of Solis has many clerics and paladins who venture forth and actively combat evil. Their hardline stance against evil is perhaps why their temples are not in as many kingdoms as they would like. Servants of Solis offer their services as undead slayers, fiend killers, exorcists, and monster hunters. Local temples of Solis sponsor and support adventuring parties on quests against evil, either through healing services or by providing basic adventure gear at discounted rates. Since the beginning of the Age of Valor, temples have been either built in a compound alongside temples of Iustitia and Viribus, or as one large structure divided between the three gods. Solis’ older, independent temples were always constructed in white, or light colored stone, with large windows that allow ample sunlight to shine through. The entrances of all his temples face east. In each temple’s foyer is a round brazier lit by magical fire to resemble the sun. The church of Solis has a loose hierarchy which allows each temple to act independently and fight evil in whatever way works best. The high temple to the Trinity was built in York and it is a massive structure of white marble with three wings, each dedicated to one of the gods. Ceremonial garb for the faithful of Solis is yellow robes for priests with a blue band down the center and Solis’ holy symbol emblazoned on the chest. For paladins, it is a blue tabard worn over their armor with Solis’ holy symbol emblazoned in the center.   Holidays:
Gift of Solis (Leap Year) – Recount heroic stories of the past four years.
Valorous Day – Various celebrations surrounding the Battle of York and the defeat of the Demon Lord, Maglari.
Midsummer – Encourage outdoor activities under the sun for a day.   Known Temples:
The Hall of the Shining God (Elmar, Camlund)
The Grand Cathedral of the Trinity (Church)
The Hall of the Bright (Trinity) (Alidar, Kainan)
Shrine to the Trinity (Boros, Kainan)
The House of the Eternal Blaze (Delvine, Kainan)
The Hall of Holy Fire (Trinity) (Enera, Kainan)
The Temple of the Righteous Fire (Grenace, Kainan)
The House of the Rising Sun (Kelter, Kainan)
The Tri-temple (Kingswood, Kainan)
The House of Three Saviors (Mantle, Kainan)
The Hall of the Father (Trinity) (Penton, Kainan)
The Temple of Eternal Sunshine (Rindell, Kainan)
The House of the Burning Lord (Trinity) (Sylvia, Kainan)
The Temple of the Three (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
The House of the Sun (West Andaria, Kainan)
The High Temple of the Trinity (York, Kainan)
The House of the Holy Triumvirate (Karavale)
The Blessed Hall of the Divine Three (Luthia)
Morningstar Hall (Pelinhal, North Durman)
Trinity Hall (Rowadin)
The Temple of the Eternal Blaze (Pruil, Rynord)
The Hall of the Blazing Sun (Trinity) (Tuple, Rynord)
The Ray of Sunlight (Trinity) (Wilcree, Rynord)
Shrine (Falfar, South Durman)
The Three Cathedrals (Trinity) (Adderton, Thayland)
Sun Hall (Trinity) (Espina, Thayland)
The Hall of the Burning Morningstar (Trinity) (Oakhead, Thayland)


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