Special Combat Maneuvers in Embril | World Anvil

Special Combat Maneuvers

Surround Bonus

When making a melee attack while 2 or more allies are threatening the target of the attack, an Attacker receives a +1 Surround Bonus for each ally threatening the target of the attack, minus 2. For example, if there are 3 allies threatening a target, an Attacker receives a +1 Surround Bonus. If there are 5 allies threatening a target, an Attacker receives a +3 Surround Bonus.   Surround Bonus does not stack with Flanking. An attacker who can receive either a Flanking Bonus or a Surround Bonus may chose whichever bonus is higher.

Head Shot

Make attack roll at –8 penalty. If attack is successful, then add +d4 to damage. Defender then must make a Fortitude Save DC(10 + Base Attack Bonus). If save is made, then no effect. If save is failed then see below:

Attacker is lower level, Defender is Shaken for 1d4 rounds
Attacker is equal level, Defender is Dazed for 1 round
Attacker is higher level, Defender is Stunned for 1 round

Push Back

An Attacker can use a Push Back in place of any attack roll on his turn. When an Attacker declares a Push Back, the combatants must make opposed attack rolls with their respective weapons. An unarmed Attacker provokes an attack of opportunity and suffers a -4 on his opposing attack roll. If the attack of opportunity is successful, the Push Back maneuver fails. An unarmed Defender receives a -4 penalty on his opposing attack roll.

If the Defender wins or ties the opposed roll, nothing happens.

If the Attacker wins the opposed roll, the Defender is forced backwards 1 square.


A character can forgo any number of attacks in a round in order to parry a like number of attacks later that round. The character can chose what attacks to parry and need not spend the parry attempts on the first attacks faced that round. But the character must declare the parry attempt before he knows whether or not the attack was successful.

When a parry attempt is made, the Defender must make an attack roll opposed by the Attacker’s attack roll.

If the Defender wins or ties the opposed roll, the attack is parried, meaning it misses and deals no damage.

If the Attacker wins the opposed roll, the attack is successful and the parry attempt is wasted. If the Attacker rolls a Natural 20, the parry attempt is wasted, regardless of the Defender’s roll. Natural 20s always hit.

Any unused parry attempts at the beginning of the character’s next round are wasted.


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