Terra, Goddess of the Land in Embril | World Anvil

Terra, Goddess of the Land

Earthmother, The Queen of the Land

Symbol: Green Mountains
Home Plane:
Land, earth, land creatures
Druids, rangers, farmers, gardeners, animal breeders, barbarians
Cleric Alignments:
Animal (PH), Cavern (SC), Earth (PH), Metal (SC), Plant (PH),
Favored Weapon:
“Tremor” (Warhammer)   Dogma: Tend to the land and the land will tend to you. Fertile fields, barren deserts, harsh tundra, majestic mountains, and all other terrains are part of the natural order. Life thrives in each, but in different ways. No matter what part of this grand world you find yourself, build a strong foundation and let your roots run deep. When the land thrives, so do the creatures it bears.   History/Relationships: Terra is one of the children of Mundus, God of Nature, and Vita, Goddess of Life, born during the Age of Eden to help her parents with the governing of the natural world. She gets along well enough with her brothers Caelum, God of the Sky, and Pontus, God of the Sea, though a sibling rivalry exists between the triplets. Each believes his or her aspect of nature is dominant, and Terra understands that all of Embril is the land, supporting the water that covers the majority of it and the holding up the air that surrounds it. She also gets along well with her mother and father, despite their separation. Like her father, Terra has always tried to remain neutral in all things and does not seek to make enemies with the any gods. Though she has reasons to hate her half-sister, Clades, Goddess of Destruction, and her nephew, Vastator, God of Destruction, she pities them more than she dislikes them. She also feels the same towards Luna, Goddess of the Moon, Mortem, God of Death, and Umbra, Goddess of Shadow, whose stories all interconnect in some way with her family.   Clergy and Temples: The clergy of Terra is comprised of mostly druids and rangers, with few clerics. They all love nature and seek to instruct people on ways they can better live with nature, focusing on their relationship with the land. Terra’s clergy teaches how to tend to the land, plant seeds, and raise crops responsibly. They teach how to live alongside the animals that share the land as well, and respect them as living things. More so than her siblings, Terra mirrors her father’s teachings most. Her temples are independent of Mundus’, but sometimes they can share groves or are situated alongside one another. These temples do not often boast large physical structures, instead preferring natural settings in groves or grottos with trees, gardens, and other natural features. Her church has no formal organization or hierarchy, each acting independently, and focused on the particular terrain that surrounds it. Ceremonial garb for the clergy of Terra consists of colors that match the terrain in which they live, brown trousers with green tunics in forests, all green with brown highlights in plains and farmland, gray trimmed with white in mountainous terrain, and yellow trimmed with blue in deserts.   Holidays:
Spring Festival – Celebrate the coming spring and bless the local farmland.
Nature’s Blessing - Offer instruction to anyone looking to learn about nature, with a focus on the land.
Festival of Flowers – Celebrate flowers and well-tended gardens.
Harvest Festival – Celebrate the coming autumn, blessing the crops and praying for a bountiful harvest.   Known Temples:
The Holy Ground (Church)
The Temple of the Earthmother (Sembria, Dylanthatar)
Terra’s Holy Haven (Tallridge, Dylanthatar)
Shrine (Glimwood, Escaria)
The Hallowed Ground (Thar, Escaria)
The Blessed Land (Woodmarch, Escaria)
The Fertile Ground (Boros, Kainan)
Nature’s Grove (Caelum, Mundus) (Kingswood, Kainan)
Green Haven (Caelum, Mundus) (Mantle, Kainan)
Shrine to the Nature Gods (Caelum, Mundus, Pontus) (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
The House of Sacred Earth (West Andaria, Kainan)
Nature’s Shrine (Caelum, Mundus, Pontus) (York, Kainan)
Shrine (Karavale)
The House of Land, Air, and Sea (Caelum, Mundus, Pontus) (Molinay)
The House of the Rolling Hills (Green Hills, Oathendale)
Terra’s Sanctuary (Helmsford, Oathendale)
The Queen’s Meadow (Prend, Oathendale)
Stonewalk Garden (Tall Rock, Oathendale)
The Sacred Field (Wistor, Oathendale)
The Sacred Grove (Caelum, Mundus, Pontus) (Rowadin)
Shrine (Talith)
Wildhome (Caelum, Mundus) (Adderton, Thayland)
Shaded Sanctuary (Caelum, Mundus, Pontus) (Espina, Thayland)
The Field of Plenty (Oakhead, Thayland)


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