Thayland in Embril | World Anvil


Thayland is a diverse nation of sailors, fishermen, farmers, ranchers, hunters, woodsmen, and more. If there is one thing that defines Thayland, it is that there is no one thing that defines Thayland. Nestled between Escaria and Goldcoast, its north is largely forested, home to many rangers, druids, trackers, and hunters. The southwest is predominantly open land where the tree line has been cut back to support a profitable timber producing industry. Farms and ranches are plentiful there, providing food for the nation and surplus for export. With two coast cities, Thayland also boasts a thriving maritime culture that produces skilled sailors and fishermen.   The country’s government is a monarchy, ruled by King Algon Tormin. The Tormin family, distantly related to the ruling family of Escaria, has been in power since the founding of Thayland. King Algon is a young king, whose worth is yet to be determined in the peoples’ eyes. His father, King Rinlar was moderately popular as king, his reign competent, if unremarkable. For now, the people reserve judgement on young Algon, waiting to see what impact his reign will have, as well as who he will take as a bride.  

Life and Society

Commoners and nobles are the two classes recognized in Thayland. The nobles are wealthy families whose support for the nation have been recognized by a king of Thayland over the years, and granted the title. Nobles hold power by the weight of their title, which grants them the ability to hold government positions, either in the king’s court or in the municipal governments of Thayland’s cities. Commoners bare no title and are primarily the working class.   Day to day life for the average Thaylander is reasonably pleasant. Of course, many work hard, but with various ways to make a living in Thayland, most get by, rewarded by a fair wage. There is little in the way of oppression by the nobles, as the classes rarely interact, except as needed. Overall, Thaylanders are happy. They work for a living, enjoying a well-deserved rest when the day is done. Most prefer spending spare time outdoors when possible. They pray to their gods openly, and sing aloud during times of festivity.  

Major Geographical Features

The majority of Thayland is civilized land. Whatever monsters and threats are to be found mainly enjoy the cover of the forest, which is sparsely populated by people. Bandits and highwaymen do operate along the kingdom’s roads, but these roads are regularly patrolled in an effort to offset the dangers they present.   Haegren Barrens: This inhospitable wasteland is home to many monstrous tribes and creatures. Goblinoids are the most common of the humanoid monsters, with a sizeable population of orcs coming in second. Many kobolds also live in the Haegren Barrens, but mostly near the mountains. Reptilian and insectoid creatures are also quite common. Because of the harsh, dry climate, only hardy, adaptable species tend to thrive. Few trees grow in the Haegren Barrens, with brush and scrub being the more common flora.   Civilized humanoids tend to avoid the Haegren Barrens. Survival within is difficult, with both the terrain and the inhabitants posing potent dangers. Though adventurers often explore this wasteland in search of rumored treasures or rare components sought after by spellcasters.   Haegren River: The Haegren River is the longest river on the continent of Velen. It begins its course at the northeast of the Stone Horn Mountains, winding through the Haegren Barrens before spilling out into the North Pontian Ocean.   Westwoods: The Westwoods covers a large portion of the west coast of the continent of Velen. It is home to many woodland creatures, monsters, as well as elves and humans. It bares several varieties of tall, leafy trees. The undergrowth in the forest is moderate, and the trees are not as densely packed as in the Great Forest. But the thick canopy keeps the majority of the forest floor in perpetual shade.  

Important Settlements

The southwest of the country is largely comprised of farmland sprinkled with villages and hamlets, while the northeast is mostly scattered woodland cottages with the occasional village. The majority of the population is concentrated on the southwest half, with their numbers increasing the closer one comes to the coast.   Adderton (Large Town, 2,500): Adderton began as a small fort on the edge of Thayland defending against incursions from the Haegren Barrens. But as the years went by, it expanded into a village, then into a full blown town. Much of the original fort’s structure still exists, now serving as a barracks for the troops stationed in the town. Wooden cottages line the streets as do a few inns, taverns, and some shops. Many adventurers come to Adderton, either before venturing out into the Haegren Barrens, or after returning from a recent expedition.   The mayor of Adderton is Summer Darrens.   Espina (Small City, 12,000): Home to the royal family, Espina is the capital of Thayland. This is a busy port city that handles significant amounts of trade and traffic. It sits on the northern bank of the Haegren River, staring across at the city of Uhlm in Goldcoast. A large bridge crosses the river connecting the two cities while guards at each end monitor the entrance and exit of people to and from their respective nation. Espina houses many inns and shops, plus a variety of craftsmen plying their trade near a bustling market. Still, many citizens cross the bridge to Uhlm daily, in search of affordable magic items sold by the Coastians. Many mages in Thayland chose to live in Espina due to its proximity to Goldcoast and the magical resources found there.   The mayor of Espina is Darby Clefford.   Oakhead (Small City, 8,000): Oakhead is a busy port city that trades up and down the coast. To the south of the city are several ranches that raise cattle. As a result, Oakhead has become known for its fresh beef, cooked in a multitude of ways throughout its inns and taverns. In addition, the docks in Oakhead smell more of cattle than they do of fish, though it also boasts a healthy fishing industry.   The mayor of Oakhead is Holgar Miro.  

Regional History

Humans first settled this region when the Andarian Empire conquered it, driving the orcs and goblinoids away. For hundreds of years human settlements thrived and grew under Andarian rule, until the sudden collapse of the empire. In the aftermath, warlords and would-be kings struggled for control for centuries. During this time, various kingdoms were founded just as quickly as they fell.   When the kingdom of Escaria was established to the north, the region entered its most stable period since the time of the Andarian Empire. Escaria was expanding, claiming more territory in the Westwoods. Members of Escarian nobility, including extensions of the royal family spread out, claiming clusters of villages as their baronies. In the old Andarian city of Espina, Thayle Tormin rose to power. He was cousin to King Lohm Rodain of Escaria.   In 198 AV, Thayle Tormin founded the kingdom of Thayland with Espina as its capital. His influence spread to the territories north and east of Espina and quickly established a solid foundation for his small nation. Through diplomacy, mainly relying on familial bonds, King Thayle Tormin garnered the support of King Lohm in Escaria. Escaria recognized Thayland’s sovereignty to the south and the two established set borders between them.   With borders to the north defined, Thayland sought expansion to the east. It conquered the small territories up to the Haegren River until it reached its present size. Apart from these small campaigns and incursions by creatures from the Haegren Barrens, Thayland has lived in relative peace, maintaining cordial relations with both Escaria and Goldcoast.


White, red, and white vertical stripes with a golden winged shield topped with a crown

244,000 (humans 90%, halflings 4%, half-elves 3%, gnomes 2%)


Caelum, Fortuna, Iustitia, Luna, Mundus, Pontus, Solis, Terra, Viribus, Vita

Armor, glass, metal, minor magic items, ore, pearls, spices, weapons

Fish, grain, hides, livestock, timber, vegetables, wine


The Continent of Velen


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