Titta Morco Character in Embril | World Anvil

Titta Morco

Titta Morco

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, tall for a girl.

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of an arrow down her right forearm, tattoo of a bear print on her left shoulder.

Physical quirks

Red hair and green eyes are most prominent.

Apparel & Accessories

Dressed simply, with some patches in the clothes. Brown pants, green tunic and cloak with a white undershirt. Simple wooden bead bracelets with a wooden symbol of Terra on a leather string around her neck.

Personality Characteristics


Currently living for herself.

Vices & Personality flaws

She likes to smoke tobacco and drink socially.


Mostly clean, though she stays outside most of the time there is occasionally dirt on her knees.

Titta is 18 years old and independent. She loves being out in nature. Sometimes people find her manner a bit abrasive as she is more blunt than tactful. She is ready to lead Haymin's Heroes to the greatness he dreamed of.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently holds no titles or lands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 6 in
Nunya business.
Known Languages
Andarian Elven

Quiet Village Life.
April 15-22nd, 496 AV

April 15th, continued   We have Jennivar hold onto our reward money, though she refuses to take any for herself. We do however withdraw a crown a piece and go to Ponya’s Needle and Thread to buy clothes. Ponya and her daughter Nissa got us all set up with something suitable. It’s nice having a change of clothes again. I guess when I left Aravess I only took the basics, because I haven’t worn a dress in some time. Besides my dress I also got a sparring/training outfit. And after shopping we went back to the Home Away to get prepped for dinner.   Bozian Guentarro seats us in a private room and joins us for the meal. We are severed steaks and Elven wine, which I also haven’t had in a while. Suddenly I start wondering if I should write to Kraalin. But the conversation is nice and the food is delicious. We ask about the town and Bozian asks about us. We do inquire if he’s had to pay any protection money, but he seems surprised and says that he’s not heard of it… which shows he’s either lying or really out of touch with the community. Either way, we chat and visit for quite a while before excusing ourselves. He says we are always welcome at the Stag.   We go for a walk around town, casually looking for the Grey Wolves, but do not find them anywhere. When we make it to the north caravan we inquire with the guards if they’ve had any troubles and they say no, but have taken precautions like doubling the guards. We wish them well and eventually head back to the Home Away. There is more talk of Bloodbeak, the killer owlbear, and of the Hollow Moon Pack-which could be a gang of werewolves, but no solid leads.   April 16th   Jennivar has our schedules set, we’ll be working from Tuesday through Sunday a mid-shift from 11a to 8p and will be paired up to learn the different roles of the inn. Jennivar also asks me to stop bringing in my hunts saying that it takes too much work to skin and clean the meat that Olo, the cook, doesn’t have. So instead I will start to sell them to the butcher for a little extra profit here and there. As we are eating, Captain Brice comes in and asks us about visiting the caravan last night. It turns out it was robbed and the only obvious choices were the kids who stopped by asking about the caravan being robbed. Captain Brice knows we had no part in it, but warns us to not go looking for trouble.   We decide to try a different approach and protect our home, literally the Home Away from Home. We will take watches from one of the bedrooms watching the south and east sides of the inn for possible vandalism since we know Jennivar isn’t paying. Quelkin had mentioned fires and accidents and I’d not like to see either at the inn. Auren will start the night watching alone, since they will likely wait until later. Then will be Sinjin and Ladigo, Selia and Mogi, and myself and Pyzar.   April 17th   Today we visit the shrines in the park, mostly the one to Terra, since Ladigo and I venerate her most. It is a coincidence that both of our mothers venerated Vita. I guess I’m more like my fathers. Then we relax for our last day off before we start working. I stay at the inn and read over my father’s manuscript, Mogi and Auren visit the blacksmith, and Selia, Pyzar, and Sinjin visit the bookshop. We’ve decided we shouldn’t be traveling anywhere alone, but no events happen in our walkabouts.   April 18th through 21st   We start our jobs at the Home Away from Home, even earning a little coin here and there. We rotate through positions, though I’ve noticed me and Selia are mostly with the waitresses. We learn that Astri has a big crush on Gellir, but they work opposite shifts. The work is fun and interesting, we hear a lot of talk and we even take care of some adventure types. Nothing to big happens these days and we fall into a routine, often training or hunting in the morning, then working at night and watching as our turns go throughout the evening.   April 22nd – Nature’s Blessing   Today is Nature’s Blessing, one of my favorite holidays. We visit the shrines in the park, and speak with some of the druids there. One of the druids venerates Terra and we chat for a bit, though I forget to get his name. He introduces us to a ranger of Terra named Finch Darvane. I wish nothing but good things for Haymin and a swift journey for his quest, but maybe we can start training some while we wait. We enjoy some of the festivities in the morning, but then become a part of them as we go to work. It is a busy day, but we made a decent little bit in tips. And at the inn we can hear the bards sing. It was a good day, but we do not slack in our watches that night. Tomorrow will be a day off. At some point as we get a bit of money, it might be nice to take a boat out on the lake and try catching some of the big fish we’ve heard about.

It was a dark and spooky night...
April 14th and 15th, 496 AV

April 14th, continued...   We talked about a plan over lunch. If there was only one or two of the robbers, we would stay and fight. If there were more than we could handle, Auren carrying Ladigo would run into town and fetch the guards. We decide to spar for a little and I decide to start carrying the wooden sword around, just for the practice. But then we spend the rest of the afternoon resting up for our late night adventure.   We eat dinner and wait for around nine o'clock before we set out and head down the south east roads, we turn back north at the edge of some farms and come to the cemetery through the forest as sneakily as we can. We decide to spread out around the central mausoleum so that we can watch all sides of the cemetery around us. I won't lie, it was a little spooky, but I just focused on the quiet night sounds of birds and insects around me. Luna was almost at half, so there was light to see by once our eyes adjusted. The clouds didn't help the spooky effect.   After midnight, I noticed a figure come up to the front of the Guentaro mausoleum, the last that was intact. I gave, what I thought, was a soft bird call to get the others attention, but in the quiet the noise must have carried because the person moved around behind the crypt. After just a moment, we see a ghoulish figure heading our direction. I'm still thinking the person put on a costume, and take a shot at it with an arrow which goes wide. Then I move up ready to face the undead, since there was only one, I thought the plan was to attack. As I draw closer, I can't help but notice how realistic the ghoul seems. Auren and Ladigo begin to run to get the guards. The others move forward to fight with me. I hit the ghoul with my wooden sword, a good hit, or at least it should have been. But the blade goes right through the monster. I call out, "Its an illusion!" for surely it must be.   Mogi runs past me and the ghoul to see who is behind the mausoleum and I hear him say, "What are you doing here?" So it has to be someone from town he recognizes. It turns out to be Galen, a wizard who was at the tavern last night and tried to join Luthian Steel, but was turned down. The ghoul disappears as Galen has his concentration broken as Sinjin and Selia head that direction as well. I move forward, but don't make it to him before Galen tries to run and stops at the wall, preparing to jump it and run. Mogi charges him, but stumbles over an bit of rock or some uneven footing. He manages not to fall and be standing next to Galen, but it threw off his balance enough he can't do much else for a moment.   Sinjin moves up and tries to grab him, but is unable to hold the wizard. Auren runs and leaps the wall like a deer and is ready to pursue Galen if he gets to the other side. Galen grabs a bit of something from his belt pouch and steps back and starts to cast a spell, but while he is concentrating on the magic, Sinjin is able to hit him with a punch square on the jaw and the wizard crumples in a heap. We search his things and find a spellbook a backpack that had a sack with older looking fine jewelry in it. Necklaces, rings, and a bracelet. We're guessing this is what was taken from the other crypts. We also find some wool in his component pouch. I begin to tie him up, before I wake him up.   He admits to robbing the other crypts, but says that we don't understand how hard it is to be a new wizard looking for a group, and everything being so expensive. We tell him that that isn't the way to go about getting the money. We unbind his feet and walk him into town, meeting some city guards at the north east roadway. We tell them everything honestly and they escort us to the City Guard Headquarters, where he is checked in and processed. Auren browses through his spell book as we walk, fascinated with all the writings there. Galen admits to the thefts, and to sheering Farmer Oxfell's sheep in Greenstone Village. Walker is the watchman who takes our statements and then process Galen. He thanks us and we head back to the Home Away from Home and toast our first successful adventure. After a breif debate, we decide to keep Haymin's Heroes as our name for now and let our permanent come from our adventures. We head to bed a little more confident in ourselves.   April 15th   Today we decide to take it easy and after a quick breakfast, we stop by the City Guard and speak with Captain Brice. He tells us we were lucky and to stay out of trouble. I tell him we'll let him know what we hear. Then we head out to teach Auren how to swim and a few of us do some fishing. We head back to the Home Away from Home after having spent a leisurely morning, and I turn in the fish we caught to Olo, the head cook. I pass by Jenivar and give her a smile and a cheerful, "Good morning!" and continue over to our lunch table. I can see on her face she has heard of our escapade and she follows me over to the table and simply says, "One day? One day!" She just sighs heavily and tells us that we are wanted at the Triumvirate Council when we finish lunch. During lunch we talk about who is the group leader and I simply say that I am, half-jokingly. But if someone else wants the title, they're going to have to step up. I think everyone else was preparing to flee until I ran into the fray last night.   After our meal we head to the Council building, which is just down the road a short distance. We are greeted by the clerk, Holister Numenarin. Eventually the meeting ahead of ours concludes and we are announced. Tollin Balladar comes to greet us and we make introductions. He shows us into the council room and we meet Iram Kender and Avoline Huliss, the other council persons that help to govern Karavale. They thank us and reward us with fifty crowns! I beam proudly. The owner of the Stag Fine Inn and Tavern, Bozian Guentarro wants to thank us personally as well and we thank the council for the reward and head to the Stag next.   Bozian greets us warmly and tells us that if we ever need rooms or meals to come see him. He was thankful we defended his family's mausoleum from being invaded, for it was the last one left intact. He invites us to dinner at six o'clock tonight and we accept. The Stag is luxurious in its features and I'm sure the food is lovely as well.   After leaving the stag, we decide to talk to the apothecary to follow up with our last lead, the burglaries and the Shadow figure trying to start a thieves guild here. The apothecary is named Quelkin Braize, and we end up speaking to him pretty casually about magic and how to cast, and spell books, and scrolls and things for quite some time. He is a wizard, and remembers selling some of the rainbow sand to Galen. He also shows us his spell book, and Auren may have found a mentor if he's thinking about wizarding, which I believe he is.   Ladigo asks if he ever needs components from the forest and what not, and it turns out that he will pay well to have some things harvested from about a day out. He says that most people are afraid to go near the High Hills and tells us of a particularly ill-tempered owlbear named Bloodbeak that prowls the High Hills. He assures us that where we'd be going we'd be out of his territory. But this could turn out to be profitable. Good job, Ladigo for mentioning it!   As our conversation appears to be wrapping up on the mystic arts, I then tell him about the Grey Wolves, and how they tried to shakedown the Home Away from Home, and to be careful. I can tell by his expression that they've been by and press him on the matter, saying that we can help. But he says that he can't afford the fires or accidents that have happened to those who have refused. He also tells us to leave it well enough alone and that we're playing over our heads. Clearly he doesn't know us, or me at all. But I'm determined to help him regardless of whether he wants it or not. He says he'll let us know about the components, but it may not be for a month or two. We leave having made a new friend.   Now to go get ready for dinner, but I don't think I have anything fancy to wear... really I'm wearing the only thing I have to wear, but maybe I can give it a quick once over. The Home Away from Home is more my comfort level, but the Stag Fine Inn did look very nice and I am looking forward to a nice dinner.

Haymin's Heroes and the Shakedown Kids, the Woolen Zombie, and other tales!
April 13-14th, 496 AV

April 13th continued...   Captain Brice eventually leaves as the dinner rush gets into full swing and Haymin goes to chat and "catch up" with Jenivar. We talk a bit about the adventuring professions each of us is considering. It will be an interesting mix, we'll have to see how it all shakes out. Selia is undecided, but she is not religious, so cleric is pretty much out. Auren is thinking roguish fellow or wizard, Ladigo also considering a rouge position, but also possibly a druid. Pyzar is most likely going to be a psion, though he mentioned he could also be a psychic warrior if we needed more melee strength. The rest of us are pretty clear on what we're leaning towards, myself a ranger as I have already partially begun my training, Sinjin a monk, for the same reasons. Mogi is talking about a battle sorcerer, apparently he's heard of combining magical powers with melee combat. Could be interesting.   We enjoy our time in the tavern as we listen to the bard and the talk about town. There is an adventuring party at a table nearby ours and Auren and Ladigo get close enough to hear them talking. Mogi is too busy chasing Astri, one of the waitresses. We will be working with these people and are introduced to everyone as the night progresses. Jenivar will have a work schedule arranged for us to start work on Monday or Tuesday as we are to help out around the place to offset the burden of us staying. I hope Mogi doesn't make it awkward for all of us.   Eventually, Mogi and Selia decide to go for a walk, at least it gets him away from shamelessly flirting with Astri. I was about to bet Pyzar that he'd end up with an ale over his head by the end of the night. On their walk around town, Mogi and Selia saw a group of kids about our age loitering around one of the warehouses by the docks. They looked a little suspicious, but weren't doing anything. Selia just says they kinda watched them pass.   For those of us still at the bar we overheard a few rumors that maybe Haymin's Heroes can investigate. There have been a string of burglaries as the caravans that come through park on the north side of the city. Some citizens are afraid this will affect the trade willing to travel to Karavale. Some homes have also been robbed.   Sinjin goes to speak to the adventuring group a few tables over and we learn they are called Luthian Steel, and are headed to Blacktooth Gap. Sinjin asks if they've heard of the rumors about the burglaries, but they haven't and haven't looked into it. They ask if Sinjin is from the House of the Open Hand in Rowadin, because apparently their trainees look much like he does with the top knot braid. Sinjin tells them no, and how we all met up and eventually our tables end up joining each other. We hear tales of some adventures and monsters they have fought. The seem like a good mix for a party. They have a paladin, fighter, wizard, rogue, ranger, and a cleric.   We ask again about any news about town and they tell us a tale about the local graveyard. The groundskeeper apparently saw a zombie, but Luthian Steel and the Temple of the Triumvirate both looked into it with magic and couldn't detect any undead beings. Two days later, the groundskeeper came back stating that another undead, looking like a ghoul this time, was moving amongst the grave stones. Again the group and the temple could find no traces. This could be worth checking out...   After we talk for a little bit, our tables eventually separate again and we start discussing possible things to look into assisting the town guard with, unbeknownst to them. We have the kids, the graveyard, and the robberies. We talk a little to Jenivar about what our duties will be, I offer to hunt or fish for the inn, Auren tells her that he's had experience with inns all his life. She says that we'll be merged into the group well enough. Mogi is talking about getting a second job as a blacksmith, but honestly I don't see why...especially with all these adventures, um... I mean crimes to help solve. We go to sleep with our differing images of what adventuring will look like for each of us.   April 14th   We come down and eat our breakfast. We overhear some citizens talking about a farmer who's had two sheep now shorn in the middle of the night. Another lead for us to investigate. During breakfast we decide to follow up on the graveyard incident and see what we can learn.   As we finish eating, a group of eight kids our age walk in and say, "Alms for the poor?" Jenivar gets angry and tells them no, as one kid- a half-elf- becomes threatening and defiant, she grabs him by the ear, walks him to the front door, and shoves him out. His collegues soon follow and Mogi and Selia confirm these were the kids they saw last night. I go and talk to Jenivar about them, but she tells us to leave well enough alone. Gellir, the day bartender however is a little more forthcoming, he says that they arrived in town last fall and they call themselves the Grey Wolves. We asked when the burglaries started and he says last winter. Jenivar had mentioned someone called "The Shadow" who was apparently attempting to start up a thieves guild in town. Gellir seemed to think other places were paying protection money and keeping quiet about it.   I thank him and we decide to hustle out and follow the Grey Wolves as they head into town. They visit the apothecary shop, but we can't decide if we're going in or not before they come out. We follow them again as they head out and in an alley, it comes to a confrontation that would have probably come to blows if Captain Brice and some of his men hadn't shown up. Auren was already backing away and preparing to run, maybe the wizard path will be a better fit for him. We tell Captain Brice about what we witnessed that morning and he was going to talk to the apothecary to see if he could convince him to talk if the kids were shaking him down.   We decide to leave the Grey Wolves for now, since Captain Brice is onto them and go back to looking into the graveyard. We visit the temple and have them tell us what they know of the events. They told us they investigated twice and used their magic, but couldn't find any traces of undead. We spoke with Morgan, Adjudicator of Iustitia. From here we go to the cemetery to see what we can find out and speak with Remington Wohl, the groundskeeper. He says on the 7th he saw what appeared to be a zombie, and on the 9th what appeared to be a ghoul. He was so scared that he's only just returned to his duties today, and has stopped watching over the graves at night.   There are five large mausoleums in the graveyards and the zombie and ghoul were both seen near two of them, so we decide to check those locations first while the groundskeeper goes on about his duties. After he has walked off we look at the first mausoleum in the center of the graveyard where the zombie was seen. We find the lock has been broken, probably with a prybar of some sort. A small piece of wool is blown out of the mausoleum as the air circulates. Now we're wondering if the shorn sheep is somehow connected. We decide not to go down, so we don't know if the perpetrators are robbing the crypts or using them for storage. Auren tries to walk off to immediately inform the groundskeeper, but I am able to hold him up for a minute while we collect more information.   It takes some talking to get him and some of the others away from the idea of running to the authorities. At some point we have to stop being afraid of how terribly our first battle went, and start thinking like adventures, but some people are determined to not cause trouble. I don't want to cause trouble... I want the credit for figuring it out and stopping it... maybe I'm being hot-headed again, but a lack of confidence has never really been my problem.   We go and check the second crypt by where the ghoul was seen and found it was pried open as well. In fact, all but one of the large mausoleums were opened. We decide to stake out the last one tonight, and maybe investigate inside the others as the groundskeeper doesn't keep watch at night.   After all this excitement we decide to go back to the Home Away from Home and get some lunch and talk things over. We'll just have to keep an eye on Jenivar and make sure she's out of earshot...

Our first Battle! Let's just forget this one...
April 5-13th, 496 AV

April 5th, continued   Well my plan didn’t work out. The group decided that we would enact the plan as a team and join the Red Sashes, but that we’d wait a couple of hours to make it more believable. Eventually the boys felt the call of nature and asked to be let out. They went one at a time and each reported hearing Haymin say to get some rest and be ready. With mixed success we try to sleep.   We are awakened and hear the sounds of goblins attacking the camp. Hamyin opens the door for us and tosses us our backpacks and gear. He tells us to run to the woods. He turns to fight four guys, but one guy gives us chase.   I stop to shoot at him and the arrow misses horribly. I meant to keep running at that point and keep pace with Ladigo, whose legs aren’t as long as the rest of us, but I got angry. I moved some, but then stopped again to shoot and the shot went wide again. The red sash is on me then and doesn’t miss. As his sword cuts into me, my mind flashes back to seeing Marak with his sword sticking out of my father’s back. It must have hurt like the hells. I step away from him, but miss again—gods damn it. With his next swipe I fall into unconsciousness.   I awaken with Selia and Auren near me, having given me some sort of potion. It seems that everyone ran back when they’d seen I’d stopped and Mogi tried to sword fight with the bandit, but suffered the same fate as me. Pyzar got in a couple of good hits it seems, but unfortunately one of those was on Sinjin and he was knocked unconscious too. Haymin tells us to get up and keep running, and we do so.   We travel deep into the woods and soon the sounds of the goblin/red sash battle are distant and then gone. Our first battle as a group. And it was pretty terrible. I know some of that is my fault, and it angers me more. But I can’t change it. I thank Vita I am still alive, and promise myself to focus. I know that Alouiscious loved the bow, but I’m not having much luck with it. Maybe I’ll consider swords for a fighting style. I’ve seen their effectiveness first hand. Who knows, maybe Pyzar knocked some sense into Sinjin and he’ll consider a weapon instead of just a hand to hand combat style.     April 6th through 11th   These days we are travelling closer to Karavale, watching closely behind us for signs of the Red Sashes. Although Haymin is fairly sure it will take some time for them to regroup. Haymin tells me not to be too hard on myself, but I am feeling very frustrated. It’s the human in me, I suppose. I want to be good now…Alouiscious would tell me to calm down, that there is time enough. If only he knew how limited his time was… Anyway, during our travels I end up telling the group about how I came to be known as Titta A. Morco, or Titta Agrime Morco and how it means “little angry bear” in elven.   It was eight years ago as I was out on my own after I discovered that Marak had killed my father because he was paid by the town Marshall, Ptero Dain, of Bright River, the town I grew up in. I found out that they were working together, but they caught me eavesdropping and chased me. I stole a horse and hightailed it out of town back to my father's ranch. I grabbed some quick gear from my old home and found a spot to camp miles away.   Three days later I still hadn’t much to eat because I was only 8 years old and forgot about fish biting in the early and late hours, so hadn’t had much success fishing at high noon. Anyway, finally caught some early one morning and had them cooking over a fire. Suddenly a large, brown bear comes shuffling out of the forest around me and eats one of my fish. I was so hungry and angry, I grabbed my fishing pole and swatted the bear in the face when he came back for another and said, “These are my fish!”   The bear looked at me confused and still tried to take another fish, so I swatted him twice more, hitting him once on the nose. I yelled at him again, “These are MY fish!” The bear was annoyed and angry now at little skinny me, who should have known better and let him have the damn fish. So he roared in my face. I can still remember the feel of his hot breath and the deafening sound. Pushed past the limit of sensibility, I channeled all my hurt and anger of the past weeks and roared back with a sound that left my throat scratchy and sore. Truly fed up now, the bear stood up, towering over me, on his hind legs and raised a clawed paw to swipe me into silence. That’s when two arrows came from the forest beside me and stuck into his arm and shoulder. Frustrated and confused, the bear shambled back into the trees from where he’d come.   I turned to see two elves, one of whom I had stolen the horse from, and simply said, “These are my fish.” The elder elf, Alouiscious Valathar, took me in and raised me. Teaching me the ways of nature as he taught his own son. They called me Titta Agrime Morco, and that’s the name I’ve used ever since.   Hot-headedness has no place in battle though. I can tell there is a price for over confidence.   Our travels went smoothly from there, walking, hunting, and learning more about each other. Haymin continued his small lessons here and there about survival and adventuring. On the twelfth he announced that we should reach Karavale by mid-day the next day. He would leave us with a friend and then complete a job he’d been hired to do before coming back to finish our training. Her name is Jenivar Albyn, and she’s the innkeeper of the Home Away from Home Inn.   April 13th   We arrive in Karavale in midday, after passing a few farms on the way. We learn that Jenivar and Haymin have a bit of a history together. Awwww.   Anyway, he brings us in and asks her to put us up while he is gone. She’s not really pleased by the prospect, but gives us three rooms that we can live in until Haymin returns. She says she’s going to try to talk us out of the crazy adventuring life.   We get our stuff placed in our rooms and a few of us decide to go check out the town. Selia, Pyzar, and I go check out a park not far away, and I have a smoke. Mogi goes off by himself somewhere, and Auren and Ladigo check out the market place. We eventually end up meeting with everyone as we’ve toured around. There is a temple to Vita in the town, and shrines to Terra, Pontus, Caellum, and Mundus at the park. Thomas Harvin is the bookseller and you can rent a boat for 1 crown per person for the day. A few of us want to try some lake fishing.   We eventually make it back to the Home Away from Home and find Sinjin, who had stayed there, at a table with Haymin and go and join them. Jenivar comes over for a time and we talk some more. When we first arrived and Haymin was talking with Jenivar, he’d said, “I found them. Just like Brother Lu said I would.”   We press him for what he meant by that statement and it comes to light that 20 years ago, Haymin met with Brother Lu and was told that he would find a group of young adults and save them from slavery and that they would go on to become one of the most important adventuring parties the world has ever known. We also learn that he’s spent every penny he’s ever earned looking for us during that time, and that Heroes for Hire, his adventuring guild, currently doesn’t have any members because they’ve all left while he chased this obsession, as Jenivar calls it. He’s bankrupted himself to save us. I can’t help but wonder what it all means.   It is almost dinner and Jenivar goes to help at the bar when a soldier comes in. She calls him Captain Brice, and the captain apparently doesn’t like Haymin much. It’s probably got something to do with the fact that he is obviously sweet on Jenivar.   Haymin will leave in the morning for his great quest. It’s apparently going to pay pretty well. I find myself praying that it goes well for him. If I lose someone else, I know I really will feel like I’m cursed…  

Rescued!! Wait...nope, captured again... 4/1-5/496 AV
April 1-5th, 496 AV

April 1st, continued
I find myself shoved into a bag of holding with another person, also from Oathendale, who was grabbed outside of Helmsford. His name is Mogi. I light a lamp and we chat for a bit. A giant hand lets air in every so often. I have my short bow at the ready one time it opens and try to shoot the hand, but a force field seems to prevent the arrow from reaching the top, though in honesty it was going wide. I blame the air rushing in and my uneven footing.   Eventually, the hand didn’t come anymore and we were pulled out in the middle of a large and crowded street. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light. I noticed eight robed figures on the ground, most bleeding and not moving. Several city guards, and a guy in armor with a sword, pulling more people out of other bags.   “It seems you were right,” says a sergeant before asking where we hail from and our names. We ask what is going on, and the armored man, whose name was Haymin, said we should move off the street and ushered us into the inn we were standing in front of, the Sleeping Wolf Inn—in West Andaria, halfway across the continent. Haymin said he just rescued us from a slave ring run by wizards who kidnapped teenagers from different cities and met up here before taking us to the slave markets in Tenthell. But again ushered us into the inn.   Upon entering the inn, it seems that there was a battle. Scorch marks are scattered here and there, and a few chairs are upended. We sit down and Haymin introduces himself as the head of the Heroes for Hire adventuring guild in Rowadin. Two wizards, Cantlin and Ulcar, had helped him out and would help to take us where we wish to go. We introduce ourselves and I get a good look at my comrades, there is Mogi, who I met in the bag, and five others. The group includes a half-elf, Selia, all the way from Sembria, a halfling, Ladigo, from Brinshire, and five humans counting myself and Mogi from around the Velen and even as far away as Zamilon. Haymin says he has a proposition for us, and invites us to Rowadin to train to become adventurers and a part of his guild.   This at least prevents me from saying I don’t have a home to return to, and adventuring could be fun. They’ll train us as long as we join the guild. It seems some of the others were setting out on some finding yourself type journey, anyway. And I suppose in a way, so was I. After a bit of discussion, we all agreed and toasted to our new direction. Before we left, I sold my rabbit and squirrel to the bartender in West Andaria for 7 nobles. I may have to look into trapping to earn my adventurer’s fee. It is 25 crowns a year, plus 5% of any treasures.   We spent about an hour just getting out of the city. It was ridiculously large and while it was exciting and new, I am kinda glad we will not be staying. I miss my forest, and there isn’t much green here. And there are way too many people. I guess maybe I’ve been on my own too long. But it was so loud with all the chattering and talking and yelling. As we traveled Haymin told us a little about West Andaria and some of the regional history. A couple of us had to be put in bags before we’re teleported to Tall Rock. I can’t help but wonder if I will see anyone I know…   After we arrived, I recommended we go see the rock in the center of town. I hang back a bit and keep looking around for a flash of a red sash. I find none as we start to head out of town down the road leading to the west. It will branch off into a north and south pass that will lead to Karavale and Rowadin, respectively from what I learned while I was here. Haymin didn’t want to lose any more daylight, it was already after noon. He had extra supplies for everyone who didn’t have their own.   We head out and chatted for a while as we walked, getting to know one another. I’m gonna have to get used to this whole, people around me and not just talking to myself or the birds business. It seems strange. I almost wonder if I should tell them I’m cursed, but then I tell myself I don’t believe in that anyway so why bring it up. Haymin noticed I was distracted in town and asks if everything is alright. I tell him I was looking for someone, but it’s probably better if we don’t actually see them.   Travel goes smoothly, even though some of the people aren’t actually used to walking far distances. When we stop to break camp, Haymin has me take over. I set it up as best as I know how. I have people get firewood and set up the fire pit while and I set up my makeshift tent. Haymin said it was late to hunt, but that there was a stream nearby for some fishing.   A few of us go with him. Ladigo catches a fish, kisses it, and then lets it go. We ask what that was about, and he says it lets the other fish know that you’re not out to hurt them and you end up catching more. An interesting thought, but I preferred efficiency. Force of necessity, I guessed. I also set some traps nearby the river.   Auren, the guy from Zamilon, used to own an inn—or at least his parents did before they up and vanished—it was called the Silver Egg, so he knew how to cook. We gave him the fish and some herbs I’d found on the way. It was pretty good. I could get used to having a cook. Haymin had some nice actual tents that some of the others had set up while we went fishing. Haymin also suggested we take watches. Selia and Ladigo went first, then me and Auren, then Haymin and Mogi, then the other two guys Sinjinn and Pyzar. Pyzar is from Athayra and he can talk to his Mother in his mind.   It must be nice. Most of the others still have parents and I guess I’m a little jealous. Auren doesn’t know what happened to his. I almost want to tell him sometimes it better not to know. Anyway, he doesn’t seem to sleep well. It’s an interesting perspective being afraid of the noises of the forest. They’ve been a comfort to me for so long, letting me know I wasn’t alone and that there was life around me. I’ve often thanked Caelum and Terra for sending them to me. I can’t even remember a time when they were ever scary, but surely they must have been at some point.   April 2nd
We awoke the next morning. I caught an opossum in my snares. Was the best tasting opossum I’ve ever had, but it was still an opossum. There is only so much you can do with that meat. Haymin said it would be a good time to hunt. I think all but a few of us went. We found a deer, and Haymin let me take the first shot. I missed and it spooked. Fortuna damnit. Haymin caught it just a second behind with an arrow that hit true. Both of my last shots were misses. I need to practice more. We dress and butcher the deer there, then break camp and head out.   Much as before, walking and talking. I’m learning a lot about my fellows. Some of them are even nobles, or at least their kids. After setting up camp again, since the deer will last us a while we don’t need to hunt or set traps. So Haymin asked if anyone wants to spar and pulls out some wooden weapons from his bag of holding. Most of us end up playing around with the weapons. Sinjinn had a lot of questions about fighting with just his hands. That seemed silly to me. Sword trumps fist, always. We kept the same watch order that night and went to bed.   April 3rd
Today was spent much like yesterday, walking and talking. We’ve kinda settled into a routine. It’s almost like I’m back out with my second father again, though I’m not looking for a third. Haymin seems competent and knowledgeable. So for our party, it looks like Sinjinn is set on being a hand-to-hand fighter. Haymin says they can be powerful, even though they lack weapons, and in my opinion some common sense…Ladigo likes animals, maybe a ranger, like me? I’ve don’t know what interests Selia, she is often quiet. As is Auren, no clue on what a bartender can become, but most likely whatever he wants. Pyzar apparently has some psionic prowess. I guess like magic, but with the mind. Who knows? Mogi knows nature some, but I don’t see him as a ranger. He was raised by druids so maybe that. We should have some good versatility between us though. After we make camp, today’s lessons by Haymin focus mostly on foraging for foods like berries and plants. We get some seeded fruits and I bury them at the edge of the campsite. Ladigo asks why and I tell him that I got it from my first father. Auren cooks well and the deer is done up nicely.   April 4th
The days are starting to blend together. I was half worried we would maybe run into the Red Sashes, but begin to loosen my guard. Who knows which way they went? We spar some more tonight once we have our camp.   April 5th
After our usual morning, we walk for about half a day. Shortly after lunch, I realize that I let my guard down too soon. As we’re traveling, ahead of us some men come out of the woods. The Red Sashes are clear even in the shadows of the forest.   Quickly and quietly I say to the group, “Shit. These men are bandits. Be careful.”   “Let me do the talking,” Haymin says.   Marak steps forward and tells Haymin to drop his weapons and gear and step away. He says they are taking his stuff, and also the kids as part of the new recruitment campaign. They call Haymin an old man. “Old man?! I’m 47!” he responds. Then he tells us more quietly, “Don’t struggle, do as you’re told.”   Back to Marak, he calls, “You can have the kids. But I’ll be going.” And then he promptly disappears. His footprints are seen in the dirt and crossbow arrows fire at where he is presumed to be. Then we are stripped of our gear and walked into the forest and placed in a solid wooden cart with a lock on the door. We hear them talking outside and listen closely.   Marak says, “Let them starve. Nothing tonight, and maybe not tomorrow either. They’ll come around to joining us.” We hear him walk away, but a few voices remain.   I recognize one as Torren, who had joked about having fun with us earlier. He mentioned a caravan coming through that they were planning to rob, before coming back and asking, “Do you think he’ll let me have one? I was thinking the half-elf.”   “Leave it, Torren. But I don’t think they are going to make good bandits,” says the other man and then they walk away as well.   I have a plan brewing in my head, but don’t think the rest of the group will like it. I know Haymin will come back for us, I’m just hoping I can be in a position to help. And I swore all those years ago, I’d never be starving again.

Kidnapped!! - 4/1/496AV
1st of April, 496 AV

I was leaving my camp outside of Tall Rock in Oathendale, or at least preparing too. Checking my traps I find that Terra has blessed me with a nice looking rabbit and a squirrel. I won't have to worry much about food the next couple of days. I want to get started on my journey so I just hang the carcasses off of my backpack and figure I'll skin them and smoke them when I break for lunch. It is a little refreshing being on my own timeline and not having to rush. After breaking down camp and getting the last odds and ends packed up, I'm ready.   Now to find out where to. Fortuna guide me as I flip a crown, heads to Mantle in Kainan, tails to Rowadin in the Lake Kingdoms.   Kainan it is. I decided to go back through town one last time. I've been here about two weeks, and its been nice. But I don't stay anywhere for long. Its been a year and a half, and I'm still not ready to really get to know anyone yet. I pass the tall rock spire, impressed again by its sheer size and position. On the way out, I notice someone wearing an all too familiar red sash...   It wasn't Marak Quinaro, but I couldn't tell if it was one of the others with him that day. It's been over eight years, and I still feel my face getting flushed with anger. I decided to follow the man, expecting that he would eventually lead me to more men, maybe even Marak himself. I was right, eventually he met up with another sash, another man I couldn't definitively recognize and they entered an inn. I waited a few breaths before following them inside. I had to focus just on the act of walking as there at the table with 6 or so other of his men, sat Marak. Gods I hate him.   Chances are he wouldn't recognize me anyway, but I was glad my cloak covered most of my red hair and was pulled a little low. I ordered a cider or two as I listened to them talk about nothing special. Finally, a hungover companion stumbled down stairs by the name of Torren and had his breakfast. After the last man had eaten, they headed out as a group. I thanked the bar man and tipped him a shield before heading out after them. It was just me, it wasn't like I could challenge them. But maybe if I could find them doing something shady and be a witness for the town guards...   They turned down an alleyway between a pair of buildings. I counted three breaths before following, just in time to see the last man turn left around another corner. I made my way to the corner and peered around it to see if I could see where they had gone. That was when I heard a cough from behind me.   I turned to see a robed man, who coughed again.   "Hail, friend," I said. "Are you well?" It was then he pointed skyward and the next thing I know, I'm falling upside-down into darkness with the only light a fading pinpoint above my feet.   Gods damnit.