Varoud in Embril | World Anvil


Varoud, the Land of the Eternal Fire, is a primarily human nation ruled by a powerful efreeti. In addition to humans and humanoids, many elemental creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire reside within its borders and can be found in its cities, both as citizens and slaves of the efreeti ruling class.   His Eminence, the Prince of Fire, Ruling Flame, King of the People, the Esteemed Sultan, Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud, is the undisputed ruler of Varoud. Less formally, he is referred to as His Eminence, the Esteemed Sultan Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud. The Sultan has been the sole ruler of Varoud ever since he had conquered this land, nearly 400 years ago. He is known for his fiery temper and intense bursts of rage. He is equally known for generously rewarding those who serve him well, as he is for punishing those who fail him.  

Life and Society

Varoud is a highly regimented society of strict laws. However, different laws exist for efreet and non-efreet. Efreet have very little restrictions placed on their behavior or business, whereas non-efreet must follow many regulations placed on their personal conduct as well as business dealings. Slavery is legal in Varoud and lawbreakers are often sentenced into servitude until they repay their debt to the offended party, be that a citizen of Varoud, or the state itself.   In Varoudi society there are efreet and non-efreet. Efreet are the elite of the noble class. All efreet are considered nobles in Varoud, and an efreeti can only be sentenced to a term of servitude to another efreeti. Among non-efreet, there are nobles, commoners, and slaves. All nobles bare the title of pasha, but for efreet the title is syl-pasha.   Naming conventions in Varoud follow a structured format. First comes one’s title, followed by their personal name, followed by “yn,” followed by their father’s name, followed by “el,” followed by their family name. Yn means “son of.” El means “of family/house.” For example, Pasha Fessir yn Bassar el Kadu translates to the pasha Fessir, son of Bassar, of house Kadu. Daughters are linked with their mothers and use “yr” instead of yn. A son may be linked to his mother, using yr, in the event that the mother is more renowned and well-liked. Slaves use the word “adh” to link them to their owner. Lomin adh Fessir refers to Lomin, the personal slave of Fessir. Lomin adh Kadu refers to Lomin, a slave of house Kadu.   Efreet make up only a small percentage of the population in Varoud. In fact, there is a greater number of other elemental fire creatures in the country than efreet. Humans and other humanoids are the most populous races in Varoud. Close to half the population are slaves. Of the free peoples, only about 10% of them are nobles, or pashas. Lifestyles of pashas and commoners vary greatly. Most pashas are business owners, managing various enterprises that provide for their wealth. Commoners are the working class and lesser business owners struggling to get by. Slaves make up the majority of the laborers, often making it difficult for commoners to get work that pays a suitable wage.   Many people in Varoud work in a service industry, as waitresses, prostitutes, cooks, performers, dancers, etc. Others work as craftsmen or apprentices, as smiths, cobblers, leatherworkers, glassmakers, etc. With four port cities, sailors are also very common in Varoud, and many young men and women aspire to join a crew that can take them away to see the greater world beyond. Outside the cities, in the rural areas, farmers and shepherds are most common.  

Major Geographical Features

Varoud is located on the northwest tip of the Othrani Peninsula on the continent of Kazura. However, its location along the Mathari Sea means it trades more with countries in Velen than in Kazura. Also, the majority of the continent of Kazura is far lesser settled and mostly wild.   Charred Mountains: This volcanic mountain range sits in the middle of the Othrani Peninsula, surrounded by desert. Many fire creatures inhabit this mountain range, such as fire giants and red dragons. The Charred Mountains also draw many creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire, such as azers, magmins, mephits, and salamanders. The western half of the Charred Mountains is full of active volcanos, where in the eastern half, they are mostly extinct. Historically, the Charred Mountains have always drawn spellcasters with a bent for fire magic and multiple gates to the Elemental Plane of Fire exist there. Such magical experimentation there is what led to the founding of Varoud centuries ago.   Othrani Desert: This desert covers the entirety of the Othrani Peninsula. It is a large desert of blistering hot days, chillingly cold nights, sandstorms, and great sand dunes. With little rain, few plants grow freely throughout the desert, mainly concentrated around the coastal areas where water is more available. The same goes with the majority of the creatures. Exceptions to this rule would be desert dwelling dragons, monsters, and fire creatures that dominate the territory inland.  

Important Settlements

The vast majority of Varoud’s citizens live along the coast. Its only significant inland city is the capital, Forgaja. Varoudi cities are full of stonework buildings and metal, mostly sandstone, marble, and brass, with many tall spires topped with minarets. There are also many canvas tents and market stalls easy to set up and dismantle at a moment’s notice. Almost no wooden structures exist, with any wood being reserved for shipbuilding and repairs.   With the shifting sands of the Othrani Desert, true roads are almost impossible to maintain. Instead, brass mile markers are set along the most travelled paths through the desert, helping land-bound travelers find their way. Along the coast, between the cities and settlements, farms are maintained and wandering shepherds tend to their flocks.   Ayabo (Metropolis, 52,000): Ayabo, Jewel of the Sands, is the largest city in Varoud. Its grand port is labeled by many as “the Gatway to Varoud,” despite the fact that its other port cities also see respectable traffic. Palm trees and wildflowers greet visitors strolling in through the city gates, often making one forget the city is surrounded by the harsh Othrani Desert. Numerous taverns and inns cater to visitors, looking to offer comfort and relaxation in the hopes of loosening purse strings and promoting business. The Grand Bazaar is a great marketplace in the city where, with the right connections, any product or service can be found, for a price. Many visitors to the city make the voyage or journey here solely for a chance to shop at the Grand Bazaar.   Laws of the city are posted for all to see, at each gate, along the docks in multiple locations, and strategically throughout the city. Some lenience is shown to visitors new to the city and Varoud in general, but only just, and depending on the severity of the offense. The powers that be recognize that visitors with a positive experience in the city are more likely to return and spend more coin than those who spent time in prison or were punished with slavery. But Varoud’s laws and reputation as an orderly state must also be preserved and many unknowing or unscrupulous visitors find themselves on the wrong side of the law and pay the price for their lack of discretion.   The current satrap of Ayabo is Satrap, Syl-Pasha Haqoo yn Jakiz el Itha.   Chadai (Small City, 5,500): The smallest of Varoud’s cities, Chadai is located on the south coast of the Othrani Peninsula, along the Gulf of Nem. The majority of its foreign trade comes from the Baroski colonies to the south. It has also become a stop for Baroski ships sailing down into Kazura on route to its colonies. As such, many Baroski sailors have become regulars at the inns and taverns along the docks. Fishing is the primary industry in Chadai with fishing boats sailing into the Gulf of Nem daily. Fine fresh fish is always available for purchase at the markets in Chadai.   The current satrap of Chadai is Satrap, Syl-Pasha Yodasaal yn Bhinem el Ganuh.   Forgaja (Large City, 15,000): Forgaja, the City of Fire, is the capital of Varoud. Located at the base of the active volcano, Mount Flame, the temperatures in Forgaja can become oppressively hot for non-fire creatures. Conditions in the city for humanoids are harsh. Forgaja has the largest population of fire creatures in Varoud as the climate there is most favorable to them. Mining and blacksmithing are large industries in Forgaja, with several fire creatures like magmins, mephitis, and azers working the mines in the Charred Mountains.   The eastern part of the city, closest to the volcano is the hottest. The Sultan’s palace, known as the Obsidian Palace, is there, surrounded by a ring of lava. It is said that he entertains guests from his seat on the Burning Throne, but uses his magic to ensure esteemed guests are comfortable if they are not fire creatures like other efreet. His magic is also said to protect the humanoid population from the fires of Mount Flame and the oppressive heat. Still, temperatures in the city for humanoids are livable, but not necessarily comfortable. The western portion of the city, farthest from the volcano, houses the majority of inns and taverns. The city’s market square is also located there. Surrounding the city is a great obsidian wall that is always warm to the touch. No vegetation without magical aid grows in Forgaja and black smoke is always a constant rising up from the city’s various furnaces.   Forgaja has no appointed satrap. His Eminence, the Esteemed Sultan Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud serves as the city’s satrap.   Halatham (Small City, 7,000): A thriving port and market make Halatham a popular stop for ships wanting to round the bend around the tip of the Othrani Peninsula and continue on to Chadai. Inns and taverns in the city cater to sailors and other visitors and most of them employee workers who can speak multiple languages. With numerous shepherds in the lands around the city, lamb is a popular staple in many dishes in Halatham, serve in every inn and tavern with a local flare of Varoudi salts and spices.   The current satrap of Halatham is Satrap, Syl-Pasha Raizzarulthin yn Illinis el Dhirrram   Jast (Small City, 7,500): Jast is famous for its full service bathhouses. The waters in them are always kept warm and scented with lavender and other flowers. Most bathhouses are conveniently located near the finer inns where visitors can partake in their services with just a short stroll next door. Blacksmith shops in the city must be at least two blocks away from any bathhouse, tavern, or inn, for the comfort of the patron. As a result, most of the blacksmiths are located in one area, a block east of the market.   The current satrap of Jast is Satrap, Syl-Pasha Asubemar yn Mesedankro el Ebbain.  

Regional History

For over 2,000 years, the land of the Othrani Peninsula was inhabited by nomadic human tribes who roamed the desert near the coast. The harsh climate was seen as inhospitable for large settlements and cities and no power ever unified the region, or even attempted it. The Charred Mountains in the middle of the Othrani Desert attracted fire mages and others looking to experiment with fire, but again, no settlements ever took hold there. In the year 103 AV, a group of three wizards was conducting experiments in Mount Flame when they managed to open a temporary gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire. This drew the attention of a powerful efreeti, named Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud.   This efreet came through the gate with an army of fire elementals and conquered the land surrounding the volcano, killing the wizards in the process. Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud founded the city of Forgaja at the base of Mount Flame and established the nation of Varoud, crowning himself as its Sultan. Without any real resistance, he stretched his new kingdom to the size it is today, unifying the small settlements and nomadic camps into larger cities. The Othrani people he conquered spoke their own language, but upon them he thrust the language of the Elemental Plane of Fire, Ignan.   As an efreeti, and ignorant of the gods and religions of the Prime Material Plane, he studied the religions of Embril and found an affinity for Dominus’ dogma as a conqueror. He also developed a respect for Clades’ control of volcanos and the terrible power they possess. He instituted the worship of these religions in his nation, hoping to use them to keep the populous controlled through powers they were already familiar with and feared.   By 235 AV, His Eminence, the Esteemed Sultan Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud sought to expand his territory further by conquering more human lands. However, the desert east of his kingdom was barren and bereft of all but a scattering of nomads, so he set his sights on the island of Jaathridarr to the north. He opened a gate in Jaathridarr allowing an army of fire elementals to invade the island nation. Varoud’s victory over Jaathridarr seemed all but assured until a group of djinn intervened and defeated the invading army with the aid of other air elementals. This conflict became known as the First Genie War.   Embarrassed and spiteful, His Eminence, the Esteemed Sultan Nazir yn Panaa el Varoud attempted to invade Jaathridarr a second time in 240 AV. Again, his army was defeated by the djinn who remained to defend the humans. This conflict became known as the Second Genie War.   Though an animosity between the two nations remains, much like the enmity between the efreet and djinn, Varoud has never attempted to invade Jaathridarr since. Instead, Varoud has solidified its own powerbase by building trade and diplomatic relations, while powers such as Kainan and Zamilon have grown into military empires across the Mathari Sea, further hampering hopes of expanding Varoud to the north.   Over the centuries, the efreet who have immigrated from the Elemental Plane of Fire have intermixed with the humanoid population, resulting in many fire genasi offspring living in Varoud today. Other fire elemental creatures have also immigrated from the Elemental Plane of Fire, some by choice, but many as slaves to the efreet. The result is now a diverse population of humanoid and fire elemental creatures living in peace under the strict laws of the efreet. In addition, some earth genasi also live in Varoud, and creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth are largely welcome in Varoud. Water and air genasi, and creatures from the Elemental Planes of Water or Air, are not welcome in Varoud.


Red background with a pair of crossed fiery falchions

873,000 (humans 81%, fire genasi 3%, azers 2%, efreet 2%, half-elves 2%, halflings 2%, salamanders 2%, earth genasi 1%, fire mephits 1%, magma mephits 1%, magmins 1%, steam mephits 1%)


Clades, Dominus

Grain, livestock, slaves, timber, vegetables

Fish, gems, metal, ore, spices, wine


The Continent of Velen


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