Vastator, God of Destruction in Embril | World Anvil

Vastator, God of Destruction

The Destroyer, The Ruinous One

Symbol: Bloody hand smear
Home Plane:
Destruction, entropy, hatred, bloodlust, insanity
Maniacs, nihilists, evil warriors
Cleric Alignments:
Chaos (PH), Destruction (PH), Evil (PH), Hatred (SC), Madness (SC)
Favored Weapon:
“Entropy” (Greataxe)   Dogma: Unmake the world. Kill all who live. Destroy all that is. Everything that exists is an affront. Creation is flawed and must be ended. History has always been full of conflict, destruction, and death. The universe will continue to be this way until it ceases to exist. Only when everything, and everyone, has been destroyed, will there finally be peace.   History/Relationships: According to his mother, Clades, Goddess of Disaster, Vastator was conceived magically when she tapped into the energy of the Elemental Planes during the event known as Clades’ Wrath. The fury of the unchained elements burns within his being and he seeks the destruction of all. Vastator’s faith is the least popular in all of Embril, but he still has his followers. Vastator has no allies, save his mother, and even then, Vastator thinks her methods are too tame. All other gods are his enemies and Vastator’s ultimate goal is to destroy them all.   Clergy and Temples: It is no surprise that the faith of Vastator is the least popular in all the world and no known temples or shrines of Vastator are accepted anywhere, except for in Church, the City of Truth. Even there, clerics of Vastator are regarded with obvious distrust, though they have learned to curb their bloodlust and destructive tendencies while within Church, after numerous defeats at the hands of the numerous clergies who have opposed them. Temples or shrines of Vastator are usually dark and dirty with bloodstained walls, weapons, armor, and the bones of their sacrifices littered about. Clerics of Vastator serve no useful purpose in society. They only strive to initiate destruction and sow chaos wherever possible. They have no ceremonial garb, but chose to wear clothing and gear stained with the blood of their victims.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
The House of Ruin (Church)


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