Vegrath in Embril | World Anvil


Vegrath is an orc nation situated around Silver Lake in the northern part of the Great Forest. It is the youngest sovereign nation on the continent of Velen. Orcs are the primary race in Vegrath, with a smattering of other races living within its borders. Numerous half-orcs and some ogres are counted among its citizens, while humans and goblins make up the slave population. Elves and dwarves within Vegrath are usually killed on sight, and thus never become slaves, while gnomes and halflings are considered too weak to be of any real use.   King Krazkadar Vegrath rules the nation as its first king. He has six wives and ten sons. Four of his sons serve as generals in the Vegrathian military. The rest have not risen high enough through the ranks or have not yet reached adulthood. King Krazkadar is an autocratic ruler whose will is absolute. However, he keeps the counsel of his generals, select shamans, and a few advisors who he believes wise enough to listen to. One of these is a human slave named Garith Ogaul.  

Life and Society

Might makes right is the main tenet in orc society. The strong have the most power and influence in Vegrath. There are no class divisions, other than citizens and slaves. Orcs, half-orcs, and ogres enjoy the rights of freedom within Vegrathian society, while other races are slaves with no legal way of earning freedom.   There are few laws in Vegrath, but King Krazkadar has implemented some, trying to make his nation somewhat more civilized, at least in an effort to establish greater control over the population while reducing infighting.  

Major Geographical Features

Vegrath claims the land around Silver Lake. Most of this territory is wild and uncivilized. Within its recognized borders, Vegrath copes with various monsters as well as the occasional incursion of human barbarian tribes from the north.   Blood Hills: These rolling hills get their name from the countless battles that have been fought here. Orcs and barbarian tribes have always lived to the north and east. The elven nation of Aravess has occupied the west for centuries. Humans dating back to the Andarian Empire have dominated the south. Historically, when the various groups have met in the middle, they have fought, more often than not.   Vegrath’s southern border ends at the Blood Hills.   Great Forest: This massive forest dominates the center of the continent of Velen. Oaks, maples, elms, birch, pines, and numerous other trees can be found within its broad expanse. Broad leaves that shed in the autumn are common. Nuts, fruits, pinecones can all be found in the forest’s different regions. The Great Forest is considered by many the most beautiful forest, if not terrain, in all the world. But it can also be one of the most dangerous. Creatures of all kinds call the forest home, from small kobolds to gargantuan green dragons. The southern half of the forest is the most civilized, but the farther north one goes, the wilder, and more unpredictable it becomes.   Northwoods: This pine tree forest is home to numerous nomadic tribes of various races, including humans, gnolls, and orcs. Many monsters inhabit the woods as well. Harsh winters and cool summers are the standard in the Northwoods, with cold winds blowing in from the North Sea. Winter in the Northwoods typically lasts from mid-October to mid-April.   Vegrath’s northern border ends at the Northwoods.   Sapat Hills: These hills have been the site of many battles throughout the centuries. Orcs, human barbarians, gnolls, ogres, and other creatures have clashed, and continue to clash, in the area. The word, sapat, means axe in orc.   Vegrath’s eastern border ends at the Sapat Hills.   Silver Lake: The Blue and Gray Rivers feed this lake. The Silver River spills out from the lake and empties into the North Sea. Many types of fish can be found in the lake, such as bass, perch, and pike. All terrain around this lake is claimed by the orc nation of Vegrath.  

Important Settlements

Vegrath has only one large settlement. The rest are small villages, hamlets, and camps transitioning into permanent settlements. King Krazkadar is trying to change the orc mentality in Vegrath from the tradition of living in lairs, to living in cities and towns. His efforts have been met with limited success so far. There are no roads in Vegrath, and only a few well-worn trails between villages.   Krazka (Large Town, 3,000): This town is made up mainly of huts, dirt paths, and open, outdoor spaces. A few larger buildings do exist, however, including King Krazkadar’s keep and a hall for his generals. There is even a freestanding temple to Gruumsh, overseen by orc clerics and shamans.  

Regional History

In 478 AV, after years of bloody war, Krazkadar Vegrath united the orc tribes around Silver Lake and formed the nation of Vegrath. Tribes that refused to swear fealty to him were slaughtered and their chieftains tortured to death. Those that joined Krazkadar willingly were integrated into his new nation and those chieftains continued as leaders of their tribes. They could keep their lands, but were steered towards a more civilized way of living, creating villages and erecting structures to give them more permanence.   Vegrath has tried to establish diplomatic relations with its neighbors to varying degrees of success. Krazkadar has sent emissaries to nations around him, from Great Thrundar to Tenthell. His main success has been in gaining recognition as a sovereign nation. However, few trade agreements have been made. Only Oathendale has engaged in any trade with Vegrath, and that has been very minimal, as the orcs, so far, have very little to offer in terms of goods. But under Krazkadar’s rule, they are trying.   Krazkadar employs a human slave, Garith Ogaul, as an advisor specializing in improving relations with the humanoid nations. Many changes imposed by King Krazkadar, those considered radical by the orcs, begin as suggestions from Garith. And Krazkadar agrees with his advisor, that in order to be treated as civilized and with respect, his nation must become more civilized. But thus far, his reformations have been slow in gaining acceptance with the greater orc population.   One of the greatest achievements in his reign has been in maintaining peace with the elves of Aravess. Many of his generals and the chieftains of the various tribes wonder why a glorious war with the elves is not being waged, believing that this was the original purpose of uniting. But Krazkadar has managed to keep their bloodlust towards elves at bay with wars against neighboring tribes of monstrous humanoids and human barbarians. These wars have succeeded in either gaining new orc citizens or subjugating those creatures who would make useful slaves. Solidifying Vegrath’s powerbase and growing its nation strength is Krazkadar’s main goal for the moment. And he is well aware that war with his neighboring larger, civilized nations would be doomed to failure, and, ultimately, jeopardize the stability of everything he has built so far.


Red background with two crossed silver falchions

70,000 (orcs 85%, half-orcs 5%, humans 4%, goblins 3%, ogres 2%)






The Continent of Velen


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