Viribus, God of Valor in Embril | World Anvil

Viribus, God of Valor

The Lord of the Valiant, The Mightiest Hero

Symbol: Two scimitars crossed on a shield
Home Plane:
Valor, honor, freedom
Heroes, good adventurers, the oppressed
Cleric Alignments:
Courage (SC), Good (PH), Glory (SC), Protection (PH), Strength (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Savior” (Scimitar)   Dogma: The world needs heroes. Stand up for the oppressed and help those in need. Strike at evil wherever it may be found. Strive to be a good person and always do what is right. Evil takes many forms, but if one looks hard enough, the righteous will ultimately see through whatever disguise it chooses to hide behind. Kill evil monsters that threaten the weak and innocent, depose tyrants who oppress their people, and defeat villainous schemes whenever they come to light.   History/Relationships: Viribus is the son of Iustitia, Goddess of Justice, and Solis, God of the Sun. Together, the three deities are known as the Trinity. Viribus was born on June 21, 2593 AC, in the middle of the Battle of York, bursting forth from his mother’s womb an infant clad in full armor wielding a scimitar and shield. In the battle, Viribus slayed many demons, growing with each killing blow until he reached adulthood. Then he, his mother, and his father killed the Demon Lord, Maglari, ending the historic battle and saving the people of Embril. Viribus’ birth marked the end of the Age of Conflict, beginning the Age of Valor on the following year. Since then, Viribus has stood for valor and heroism, opposing all evil deities and encouraging his followers to do the same. All good deities who actively oppose evil, Viribus considers a friend and ally. Any deities who promote evil through word or deed are considered his enemies.   Clergy and Temples: The church of Viribus prides itself on actively seeking out and destroying evil. Young clerics of Viribus spend the early years of their careers adventuring and facing evil first hand. When they get older and earn the right, they are assigned positions in the temples, aiding younger generations of heroes in their quests. Temples of Viribus compete with those of Fortuna as refueling stations for parties between adventures or in the middle of them. They offer healing services and supplies for discounts, sometimes for free, and even sponsor quests for those that destroy evil while promoting good. Temples of Viribus are always built alongside temples of Iustitia and Solis, or as one large structure divided between the three gods. The high temple to the Trinity was built in York and it is a massive structure of white marble with three wings, each dedicated to one of the gods. The heads, and sometimes other body parts, of evil monsters slain in the name of good are often displayed on the wall in temples of Viribus. Weapons or armors of evil men who were felled are also found on display. All of these have plaques attached stating who the being or monster was, the name of the heroes that defeated them, and the date the battle was fought. Ceremonial garb for clerics of Viribus is a white tabard embroidered with their holy symbol in the middle of the chest worn over armor.   Holidays:
Valorous Day – Various celebrations surrounding the Battle of York and the defeat of the Demon Lord, Maglari.   Known Temples:
The Grand Cathedral of the Trinity (Church)
The Hall of the Valorous (Trinity) (Alidar, Kainan)
Shrine to the Trinity (Boros, Kainan)
The Hall of Heroism (Delvine, Kainan)
The Hall of Holy Valor (Trinity) (Enera, Kainan)
Hero Hall (Grenace, Kainan)
The House of the Demon Slayer (Kelter, Kainan)
The Tri-temple (Kingswood, Kainan)
The House of Three Saviors (Mantle, Kainan)
The Hall of the Son (Trinity) (Penton, Kainan)
The Keep of the Valiant (Rindell, Kainan)
The House of the Valiant Hero (Trinity) (Sylvia, Kainan)
The Temple of the Three (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
The Temple of the Savior (West Andaria, Kainan)
The High Temple of the Trinity (York, Kainan)
The House of the Holy Triumvirate (Karavale)
The Blessed Hall of the Divine Three (Luthia)
Trinity Hall (Rowadin)
The Temple of Eternal Valor (Pruil)
The Hall of the Mighty Hero (Trinity) (Tuple, Rynord)
The Soul of Heroism (Trinity) (Wilcree, Rynord)
The Three Cathedrals (Trinity) (Adderton, Thayland)
Valor Hall (Trinity) (Espina, Thayland)
The Hall of the Mighty Scimitar (Trinity) (Oakhead, Thayland)


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