Zamilon in Embril | World Anvil


The empire of Zamilon straddles both the continents of Velen and Aydor. In terms of land, it is larger than any nation on either continent. However, much of its land is sparsely populated, meaning its population is considerably smaller than the congested nations around the Andarian Gulf, Kainan, Garamoor, and Tenthell. It is this fact that has likely prevented Zamilon from further expanding into Velen.   Zamilon is ruled by a great wyrm red dragon named Razcaczar. Emperor Razcaczar is the absolute ruler of Zamilon and none within the empire dare question his authority. However, he does employ human advisors in order to better understand the perspective of his subjects. Other dragons also serve Emperor Razcaczar, as dukes governing Zamilon’s cities and towns, and as generals commanding its military.  

Life and Society

Zamilon is a nation of strict laws where the rules differ for dragons and non-dragons. Dragons are considered the elite of Zamilon and have the authority to command any lesser creature in the empire. Dragons are discouraged from abusing this power, though. They are forbidden from indiscriminately killing or eating non-dragons. Any dragon who does so must be able to justify his actions to Razcaczar, or suffer the wrath of the emperor.   Non-dragons in Zamilon are beneath all true dragons. Amongst them they are divided into nobles and commoners. Nobles have been granted the title by the emperor in reward for service and loyalty to Zamilon. All nobles are wealthy and own land, though their wealth and land may have been granted to them after having been bestowed the title. Commoners are the rabble who have not proven their worth and displayed their loyalty. They make up the working class and the poor. Slavery is illegal in Zamilon, though many feel the oppressive nature of their dragon overlords is just as bad. Commoners and nobles alike live in fear of their draconic rulers, knowing a moment’s wrath can mean instant death at the jaws of a hungry dragon, despite Emperor Razcaczar’s rules.   Draconic races, such as kobolds and dragonborn, hold no higher status than any other non-dragon. Kobolds, however, act like they do, and their integration into Zamilonian society has caused some tension with humanoids, dwarves and gnomes in particular. Dragonborn differ from each other based on their specific draconic heritage. Those with chromatic dragon bloodlines tend to act like their ancient ancestors and favor their draconic rulers. Those with metallic dragon bloodlines rebel against Razcaczar’s regime, either joining underground resistances or actively seeking to escape Zamilon.  

Major Geographical Features

Zamilon is comprised of various types of terrain, including plains, desert, forest, mountains, swamp, and scrubland. The inhospitableness of some of this terrain has contributed to its sparsely populated nature. Much of this land is wild and dangerous, and not just because of the number of dragons living there. Numerous monsters inhabit the various terrains and groups of bandits operate along the more desolate roads.   The mountain ranges, from the Wyrmspine to the Baakra Mountains separate the continents of Velen and Aydor. West of these mountains is Velen. East of them is Aydor. Most of Zamilon is technically located in Aydor, but a significant portion sits on the continent of Velen. With the natural walls formed by the mountains and the presence of Zamilon connecting them, interaction between the two continents is extremely limited. Most in Velen know very little of Aydor, save for what they know of Zamilon. Likewise, most in Aydor know very little of Velen, save what they know of Zamilon, plus the ancient stories of the Andarian Empire.   Atlan Lake: This lake separates the Lathragar Forest from the Dragonwood. North of Atlan Lake and northeast of Tharyn River is Lathragar Forest. The Dragonwood sits to the south and southwest, while the Tharynmire occupies its western shore. The Tharyn River flows from the Wyrmspine Mountains and spills into Atlan Lake. Atlan Lake then empites into the Dragon’s Tail which flows southwest through the majority of Zamilon before pouring into the Mathari Sea. Various fish inhabit the lake making for good fishing from the two towns along its coast. However, fishermen must be vigilant for green dragons that like to bathe in Atlan Lake.   Baakra Mountains: Half of this mountain range is on the continent of Velen, specifically on the isthmus that joins Velen to Kazura. The other half of the Baakra Mountains is officially on the continent of Kazura. Giants, dragons, umberhulks, and other mountainous creature inhabit these mountains, making them dangerous and largely untouched by civilization.   Desolation Pass: This pass separates the Zamilon Mountains to the north and the Baakra Mountains to the south. It is a harsh stretch of scrubland inhabited by various monstrous tribes like orcs and kobolds. Many bandits hide within Desolation Pass, preying on travelers to and from Kochi, especially those willing to risk the pass for a shortcut between Velen and Aydor.   Dragonwood: This forest is at the heart of Zamilon. Green dragons live within these woods, as well as other dangerous creatures like trolls, displacer beasts, and owlbears. The roads through the Dragonwood are relatively safe, patrolled closest to the cities and towns. But off road, deeper within the forest, travelers are advised to be on their guard for the numerous dangers hiding within.   Lathragar Forest: The town of Lakeshore is the only part of Zamilon located in the Lathragar Forest. The southern edge of this forest effectively marks Zamilon’s northern border. Green dragons are said to inhabit the forest, particularly those who do not wish to swear loyalty to Razcaczar. But the greatest threat in these woods are the Lathragar Tribes, a multitude of savage barbarian tribes that dominate this expansive woodland. It is even said that the dragons of the Lathragar Forest respect the tribes’ dominance and stay clear of them.   Namarak Desert: This large desert is home to numerous nomadic tribes. Throughout history, no nation has claimed the Namarak Desert and it has remained largely unsettled. Only recently, within the last century, have port towns sprung up along the Namarak coast. And those have been created to assist in trade with Port Scale in Zamilon. The interior of the Namarak Desert is mainly wild, inhabited by several dangerous monsters and animals, including basilisks, yuan-ti, and various desert dragons.   Raith Plains: This vast plains separates Zamilon from the rest of the continent of Aydor. Much of this terrain is heath and shrubs accustomed to the acidic soil found there. These plains are not very civilized as the land is difficult to farm and maintain. Tribes of monstrous humanoids, like orcs and goblinoids, roam the plains, living off herd animals and the various birds that inhabit the area.   Tharynmire: This swampland floods during the rainy seasons in the spring and keeps the land covered in mire most of the year. Black dragons lair in the Tharynmire representing one of the swamp’s biggest dangers. Other creatures, like hags and lizardfolk, also live in the Tharynmire.   Thorn Plains: Stunted plants dot this sparsely populated scrubland. A few goblinoid and orc tribes inhabit the Thorn Plains, sharing the land with various small animals. The occasional larger reptilian creature also inhabits the terrain. No humanoid settlements can be found there, but some nomadic tribes wander between the Thorn Plains and the Namarak Desert.   Unthara Desert: The Unthara Desert is a barren stretch of sandy plains on the west side of the isthmus connecting Velen and Kazura. With its harsh desert climate and craggy mountains to the east, most civilized creatures avoid the Unthara Desert. Only a few nomadic tribes wander the coast, while farther within, various desert creatures live, such as blue and brown dragons.   Zamilon only claims the northern tip of the Unthara Desert, establishing its border from Port Scale to the Baakra Mountains.   The Vast: This enormous stretch of grassy plains is home to many wandering herds of cattle, sheep, and other animals. The southern edge of it is settled with farms and ranches from Garamoor and Zamilon, but the grand majority of this land is wild. Various tribes of gnolls, goblinoids, and orcs roam the grassy fields. Many dragons from the Wyrmspine Mountains hunt the eastern fields, dining on herd animals and whatever else is unfortunate enough to be caught by them.   Wyrmspine Mountains: This mountain range forms the majority of the wall that separates the continents of Velen and Aydor. Much of this mountain range is volcanic and attracts fire creatures, including red dragons. Many other mountain dwelling creatures live there as well, including various giants. The dragons in the Wyrmspine Mountains frequent the Vast where they feed on herd animals.   Zamilon Mountains: The Zamilon Mountains is a volcanic mountain range inhabited by fire giants, red dragons, and other dangerous creatures. The fire giants live mostly in the southern half, having been driven south by Razcaczar and his dragons who mainly dwell in the northern peaks. It is said that numerous cavern within the mountains lead to the Underdark. Drow are sometimes found exploring the northwestern slopes of the Zamilon Mountains.  

Important Settlements

Zamilon grew to its size by conquering nearby kingdoms. As such, it has become a combination of differing cultures. Many of its people still identify with the nation or culture of their ancestors.   Zamilon’s cities and towns are numerous, but their populations, for the most part, have never expanded greatly. For that reason, their people number fewer than nations like Tenthell, whose territory is far smaller.   Arken (Large Town, 3,000): Arken is mainly a mining town. Ore and precious metals are produced from the various mines around the southern tip of the Wyrmspine Mountains. As the largest town in the area, Arken also supports farmers and ranchers in the southern reaches of the Vast. The town of Arken was founded back in the time of the Andarian Empire. Traditionally, its population has been mostly human with a small amount of dwarves. But since it was conquered by Zamilon, many kobolds have been integrated into its population. The kobolds compete with the dwarves for influence in the mines.   The current duke of Arken is the red dragon, Kiarenth.   Brendle (Small Town, 1,500): The town of Brendle was part of the original kingdom of Zamilon before it was conquered by Razcaczar. It is a mining town in the southern foothills of the Wyrmspine Mountains, producing ore and silver. Since the conquest of Razcaczar, kobolds have been introduced into the population, and now they dominate the work in the mines. Older mineshafts around the town have been converted into kobold warrens, though a few kobolds are starting to transition into living in freestanding homes.   The current duke of Brendle is the green dragon, Xayndeocros.   Dynus (Small City, 9,500): On the southeast edge of the Raith Plains, Dynus sits on the northern coast of the Glombak Sea. It is Zamilon’s largest port on the Glombak and its most significant industries are fishing and sea trade. Dynus has several inns and taverns to accommodate visiting merchants and sailors. With the Bolgaram Desert to the east, Dynus and Zamilon are somewhat separated from the rest of Aydor, though merchant caravans often risk the desert for the sake of commerce.   The current duchess of Dynus is the black dragon, Zyrgydarra.   Golka (Small Town, 1,300): Golka is a mining town on the western edge of the Zamilon Mountains. It is one of the newer towns in Zamilon, having been founded after Razcaczar’s conquest. Before its founding, this area was dominated by kobolds, and, therefore, kobolds make up the majority of Golka’s population. In fact, humanoids had to be integrated into its population. For a small town, Golka has a number of inns and tavern, as it sits on a crossroads connecting it to four other major settlements. Most of Golka is freestanding buildings, though many of the kobolds live in warrens in the mountains.   The current duke of Golka is the red dragon, Morganthur.   Kali (Large Town, 4,000): Kali is a fishing town along the Glombak Sea. Its port stays busy with fishing ships, though it also hosts numerous merchant vessels. Originally, Kali was the capital of the kingdom of Kalimar and its people still openly resent its draconic rulers, having only been conquered a few decades ago. Active rebellion, however has ceased as these freedom fighter have been routed out by the dragons and their humanoid supporters. These insurgents were often made an example of when they were captured, as Duke Boltharilizz put public feedings on display in the town square where he, and other dragons, would eat the prisoners alive for all to see.   The current duke of Kali is the blue dragon, Boltharilizz.   Kochi (Small Town, 1,000): Kochi is the youngest town in Zamilon. It was founded after Port Scale to add another avenue for traffic to and from. Initially, it was hoped to build a road through Desolation Pass that connected Kochi to the eastern half of Zamilon, but even the dragons have found it difficult to tame that stretch of land. Kochi has not expanded as much as Razcaczar had hoped. Most caravans prefer to avoid it, taking the roads to and from Rodair. Therefore, its focus as of late has turned to mining. New mines in the mountains near Kochi are proving fruitful and are slowly starting to attract more traffic to the town. Currently, very few kobolds live in Kochi, but it is believed many of them will be relocated to the town to aid in the mining industry.   The current duke of Kochi is the blue dragon, Gravroilantaril.   Kuspin (Large Town, 4,500): Kuspin was originally an Andarian settlement, marking the edge of the empire’s expansion into Aydor. After the fall of the Andarian Empire, the kingdom of Atlan was founded, with Kuspin as its capital. This kingdom lasted for hundreds of years around Atlan Lake, until Zamilon conquered it about a century ago. Timber is Kuspin’s largest industry, though hunting and trapping are also highly in demand. Zamilon’s most skilled woodsmen live in Kuspin, hunting the Dragonwood. Much of the land to the east of Kuspin has been cleared of trees over the centuries, making way for more and more farms. Today, a great debate divides Kuspin into camps that promote further logging versus those who believe they should curb the deforestation. An interesting union of green dragons and druids from the Dragonwood has emerged in favor of scaling back the timber industry. They are also experimenting with ways of using druidic magic to regrow trees quickly to reverse the damage being done.   The current duke of Kuspin is the green dragon, Imdar.   Lakeshore (Small Town, 1,700): This small town is on the northern shore of Atlan Lake, up against the Lathragar Forest. Many woodsmen live in Lakeshore and hunt the woods in the Lathragar. Timber cutting in the forest, focused along the Tharyn River is also a major industry. The hunters in Lakeshore are careful not to venture too far north, in an effort to avoid the numerous barbarian tribes, though interaction is sometimes unavoidable. Some Lathragar tribes even trade peacefully with Lakeshore. But when encountered farther north, the barbarians treat most as intruders.   The current duke of Lakeshore is the black dragon, Minsyde   Port Scale (Large City, 13,500): This city was founded to expand Zamilon’s trade with the rest of the Mathari Sea. It is Zamilon’s only port in Velen and has become the focal point of the nation’s commerce on the continent. Merchants, builders, craftsmen, and many others received monetary incentives to move to Port Scale to help build the settlement into a thriving city. This investment by Zamilon has seeminly paid off as the influx of trade with the rest of the continent has greatly benefited the nation’s economy.   Port Scale has a large docks district where many ships anchor. The city has an oblong shape as most of it stretches along the shore of the Dragon’s Tail and along the Mathari Coast. In the center of these two wings of the city it joins to form a grand market district surrounded by a ring of craftsmen workshops. Two separate residential areas, one to the north along the Dragon’s Tail, and one to the south along the Mathari Coast are separated by the city center. Both residential districts are further divided by poor and more affluent sections. In the city center, there is a large temple to Tiamat alongside a massive city hall with rooms and corridors large enough for the gargantuan blue dragon duke to walk.   The current duke of Port Scale is the blue dragon, Calarrinthid.   Rodair (Small City, 6,500): Rodair was founded as an Andarian settlement long ago. After the fall of the Andarian Empire, it became an independent city-state until it was conquered by Zamilon. Rodair has always traded with the kingdoms of the Andarian Gulf and continues to do so via caravans. But since the founding of Port Scale, much of its trade has been redirected south to the Port where it can be distributed along the Mathari Sea to a vast number of customers. Farming and ranching around Rodair are its main source of productions. The rest of Rodair’s economy revolves around merchant trade as it stands at a crucial crossroads between other Zamilonian settlements and the Andarian Gulf.   The current duchess of Rodair is the blue dragon, Santhraxa.   Talavara (Small City, 8,000): Talavara is on the southeast edge of the Dragonwood, facing the Raith Plains. Its economy is split into farming and ranching on the border of the Raith Plains and timber from the Dragonwood. Many rangers and other woodsmen operate around Talavara, often selling their catches in the markets of the city. At a great distance from the southern Zamilonian cities on the Glombak Coast, mercenaries for caravan protection are at a high demand in Talavara. Merchant caravans assemble in the city and prepare for the long trek to Dynus or Kali, knowing the dangers of the sparsely populated road between.   The current duchess of Talavara is the green dragon, Qinnag.   Weyshar (Large Town, 3,000): This town is the southernmost settlement in Zamilon. It has a thriving port which trades with the rest of the Glombak Sea, welcoming merchant and fishing boats alike. Originally, Weyshar was the southernmost settlement of the kingdom of Kalimar. The people here resent their draconic rulers, but do not openly rebel as much as Kali to the north. At a distance from the rest of the empire, Weyshar is somewhat less affected than other cities. There is still a draconic presence in the city with its red dragon duke and two other red dragons who serve him, however. Though, other than instituting Zamilonian law, they have left much of Weyshar alone. The greatest challenge the dragons have faced is the implementation of Tiamat as the state religion. All other temples have been destroyed and outlawed, but the majority of the people refuse to worship at Tiamat’s temple, venerating their own gods in secret.   The current duke of Weyshar is the red dragon, Korvanithom.   Zamilon City (Large City, 20,500): Zamilon City has grown much since it was conquered by the great red wyrm, Razcaczar. Much of this has been by design, relocating population in order to expand the city. It is a great walled city at the base Razcaczar’s Peak, the northern most mountain of the Zamilon range. Built in tiers, the city rises up the mountainside in levels. At the top, the Palace of the Emperor is a grand structure with a pointed peak that sticks out of the mountain. The palace is enormous, with halls large enough for Razcaczar to walk through. At the rear of the palace, through a massive stone double-door, it is understood that a cavernous entrance leads into the mountain to where the emperor lairs within the dormant volcano the city is built against. Razcaczar often flies over the city, both to view his domain as much as to remind the people of his colossal splendor.   The lower layer of the city holds a mixture of troop fortifications and barracks as well as inns, taverns, and markets. As the layers rise, one can find craft shops mixed in as well as residences. On the third tier is a temple of Tiamat as well as one to Kurtulmak, the only two religions allowed in Zamilon. The rest of the tier is a mix of shops, inns, and residences. The fourth tier of the city is entirely residential, with the larger villas against the mountain and the poorer section closer to the outer wall. The fifth tier houses only the Palace of the Emperor.   Zamilon City has no appointed duke. Emperor Razcaczar serves as the leader of the city.  

Regional History

By 1800 AC, the Andarian Empire had conquered the land up to the southern slopes of the Wyrmspine Mountains and the western banks of the Dragon’s Tail. They began cursory exploration into Aydor, but did not venture much farther than Atlan Lake, having encountered the numerous Lathragar tribes. Instead, they focused on strengthening their borders. Over the next century, they settled the area around Atlan Lake, founding Kuspin. When the Andarian Empire collapsed, much of the settlements in this area became independent city-states after varying degrees of power struggles.   Zamilon City was founded in 2253 AC and grew into a small kingdom between the Zamilon Mountains and the Wyrmspine. For centuries it grew in the Dragonwood facing no greater conflicts other than border disputes and minor battles with neighbors. Its walled capital at the base of Mount Zamilon, as it was called before Razcaczar renamed it, was thought to be impregnable, and its people lived happily in peace behind its great stone walls. Then, in 338 AV, the great red wyrm, Razcaczar led a flight of dragons to attack the city from above. Zamilon City was unprepared and fell easily to the score of dragons. King Auntir Falax and his entire royal family were eaten by the dragons and Razcaczar proclaimed himself king of Zamilon. Razcaczar implemented drastic changes from the beginning and burned most of the city’s history books. As such, much of Zamilon’s history prior to Razcaczar’s reign has been largely forgotten.   Razcaczar and his dragons burned all towns between Zamilon City and Brendle before conquering it as well. In the years to follow, Razcaczar led Zamilon into conquering much of the land to the west. In 342 AV, Zamilon conquered Arken. In 343 AV, it conquered Rodair. From there, Zamilon steadily increased its empire’s size until it followed the Dragon’s Tail reaching the Mathari Sea.   In 383 AV, the city of Port Scale was founded to facilitate trade with the nations of the Mathari Sea and increase Zamilon’s wealth. From there, Zamilon turned to its east, conquering the kingdom of Atlan in 383 AV, and then the city-state of Talavara in 394 AV. Still seeking ways to increase Zamilon’s wealth, Razcaczar turned his attention to the Glombak Sea. Dynus was conquered in 425 AV, giving Zamilon a port to the east with which to trade with the rest of Aydor. Zamilon’s most recent expansion has been in conquering the kingdom of Kalimar. Now Zamilon stretched down to Weyshar and claimed three active ports along the Glombak Sea.   Zamilon’s expansion has stuttered in the last few centuries with no truly viable targets. To the east, the nation faces the uninhabited Raith Plains and the Bolgaram Desert. To the north, there is the Lathragar Forest and the hordes of barbarians there. And to the west, the nations of the Andarian Gulf are firmly established, militarily strong, and boast considerably larger populations than Zamilon. There is talk, however, within Zamilon and those close to Razcaczar that the ports of the Namarak Coast are potential targets, though any such expansion must be treated carefully and done so in a manner that does not incite reprisal from Tenthell, Garamoor, and especially Kainan.
Zamilon City


Black background with a red dragon in profile breathing fire

1,053,000 (humans 84%, kobolds 4%, half-elves 3%, halflings 3%, dragonborn 2%, gnomes 2%, dwarves 1%)


Kurtulmak, Tiamat

Books, fish, gems, grain, ivory, livestock, magic items, pearls, and all kinds of exotic goods

Ale, jewelry, metal, ore, spices, textiles, timber, wine, and all kinds of finished goods


The Continent of Velen


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