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Eochu Bres

Prince Eochu Bres MacElatha

Eochu Bres MacElatha is the vile Prince of the Fomorians. He is a half-Fomorian, born of his fomorian father Elatha and his Aos Si mother Eri. He briefly was king of the Children of Danann but betrayed them to his Fomorian kin, and was promptly defeated by Lugh Long-Arm.   He has reappeared in the 21st century as Director Jacob Enoch of Nexus Technologies. Now, he seeks to reclaim his "rightful throne" not over just mortal men, but the world itself, and to replace humanity with his kin, the Fomorians.


Early Life and the Battle of Mag Tuired

Eochu Bres was born as a Half-Fomorian, with his fomorian father being Elatha, and his Aos Si mother being Eri. Thus from his upbringing he was naturally split between the Unseelie Fomorian people, and the Seelie Aos Si as his kin. His name, which means "Beautiful Horseman", was chosen by his father who envisioned him as a brilliant and handsome warrior. Indeed, in his youth, Eochu Bres grew a fondness for horses, and was considered quite handsome. He shared his father Elatha's golden hair, and grey skin.   However, as Nuada, King of the Children of Danann, soon got his hand cut off, he became unfit to rule. Eochu Bres took power over his fey brothers and declared himself the new king. At first, his rule was welcome. However, he soon began to invite more and more Fomorians to their feasts, who were rambunctious and impolite creatures of dubious morals. The Aos Si asked Eochu Bres to berid of them. Eochu Bres, who had begun to feel himself as more Fomorian than Aos Si, rejected their proposal. He began to force the Children of Danann into harsh labor for their insolence, and began to rule with an iron fist.   It was under his oppression that Lugh Long-Arm, a giant in himself, challenged Eochu Bres and his twisted sense of "hospitality". Lugh turned the Aos Si against Eochu Bres, and with Nuada recovered with a magical silver arm, Eochu was considered a pretender to the throne. Eochu fled, back to the Fomorians to whom he pledged allegiance. He bowed before Balor, the one-eyed Fomorian King, who offered Eochu Bres power at his side.   The Fomorians and the Aos Si battled at Mag Tuired, where Nuada and Balor were slain, but Lugh Long-Arm found victory against the Fomorians. Eochu Bres was captured, and as punishment, he was forced to undertake his own harsh labor he laid onto the Aos Si. He eventually rebelled against Lugh, who then placed him into an elongated slumber where he was forgotten for centuries.

Waking Up in the 21st Century

For 3000 years, Eochu Bres slept. When he awoke, the world was changed. He learned of the folly of the Aos Si, how they fled into Tir na Nog, and how the Fomorians were forced under the earth. Feeling an almost eternal resentment, Eochu Bres swore revenge against the Aos Si and sought to bring back his Fomorians. As Balor was dead, Eochu was their de-facto ruler, and so he retained the title of "Prince" and visited his Fomorians in the underworld. There, they swore allegiance to him. Eochu learned that they could not pass into the realm of mortals, however, as they were banished by powerful magic. (He had avoided this in his slumber.)   Thus, Eochu Bres took upon a human disguise, as "Jacob Enoch", posing as a technology entrepreneur, and began to research with human science on possibilities of bypassing the curse. He eventually used his old wealth to create the company Nexus Technology, and hired many highly-qualified scientists to work for him. One of these was Seth Dwarn, whom formed a close partnership with Jacob Enoch. He purposefully set up the company in Portland, Oregon, due to it's vicinity to powerful fey presence. However, he also became aware of Emerald-Man, a shock to him due to the lack of superstitious beliefs in the modern day.

The Teleporter Plot

In 2022, Jacob Enoch was impressed by the research of Megan Matter, who had somehow figured out theories regarding teleportation. She would be a pawn for Enoch's scheme. He quickly hired her and had her go quickly to work on her experimental teleportation device. The device would end up causing a massive implosion, killing many of the staff, however Matter proved to go unscathed and was mutated by the dark matter that came from the teleporter. She kidnapped Jacob Enoch, who pretended to be helpless.   He would be rescued by an effort from Seth Dwarn and Emerald-Man. Ms. Matter would be captured, while Seth Dwarn scolded Enoch for being reckless. Enoch did not take this kindly, passively-aggressively threatening Dwarn for his comments. The company would see a quick rebuilding, and Enoch continued with the experimental teleporter. He fixed many of the mistakes Ms. Matter had made.   On the 4th of July of that year, he ran a test with Seth Dwarn over the teleporter. They successfully brought through a lesser Fomorian, much to Enoch's glee. He then revealed all to Dwarn before he wiped the scientist's mind. He staged an "accident" with the teleporter and the Fomorian to hide his tracks, and then ordered the fomorian to cause havoc. Emerald-Man would defeat the Fomorian, angering Eochu Bres further, who had underestimated the hero.
Divine Classification
Fey (Fomorian)
Around 3000 years old
5'9'' (human form), 10'2'' (as a Fomorian)
First Appearance
The Mystical Emerald-Man #4 (as Jacob Enoch)
The Mystical Emerald-Man #11 (as Eochu Bres)

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Cover image: Fetch and Danu Duel by Collin Lamping


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