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The Fetch (in full, "the Fetcher of Faces") was a mysterious phantom who opposed the Emerald-Men and sought to destroy the soul of Danu ni Muach in hopes of lifting his terrible curse.


Due to the nature of his curse, nobody remembers who he truly is. What is known is vague stories about his past: that he was a former criminal in ancient Ireland, one who would be tortured by the druid Lurchu. In 433, Lurchu promised to free him from his imprisonment in exchange for killing the arch-druid Muach. He was gifted his signature mask, to which he disguised as Danu ni Muach, the daughter of the arch-druid, to not arouse his suspicion and then slew the arch-druid. He fled as Danu ni Muach spotted him. He was then freed from his sentence, and tried to resume living normal life.  
Unfortunately for Fetch, he was found by Danu ni Muach, who desired revenge for the death of her father Muach. She cursed Fetch to be "forgotten" and to wander the earth as a sinner. He was mortified by his curse, grabbing the mask he got from Lurchu, and ran away from Danu in shame and agony. Thus would be the beginning of his quarrel with Danu, to which he would desire revenge against her.   Fetch tracked down Danu ni Muach to the fields of Macroom. There he dueled the druidess, until she was ultimately killed by his hand. However, Danu's soul escaped complete death, as it escaped into her emerald necklace. In the form of a ghost, Danu cursed Fetch to "wander the earth" for an unknown amount of time, and he departed from Danu.   Over many centuries, Fetch tried to return to gain his revenge against Danu. Time and time again, she was protected by her Emerald-Men, druids who protected her life force in the gemstone against the forces of evil. The conflict continued for some time.

Conflict with Stephen Barnes

In January of 2022, Fetch began to track the whereabouts of Stephen Barnes and stalked the man. He had planned to kill him while he was weak and unable to use any magic to fend him off. He followed Stephen to his father's funeral. There, Fetch disguised as Carolina White using a stray hair from her head, and tried to trick Stephen in giving up the Emerald. Stephen saw past the ruse, and Fetch attempted to kill the young man. However, Stephen prevailed, wounding Fetch and causing him to flee.   Sometime later, Fetch began stalking Stephen Barnes again, waiting for another opportune moment to strike. When he was busy facing Ms. Matter, Fetch broke into Barnes Jewelry and stole the old Druidic Magicus from his basement. He was nearly intercepted by Carolina White, who was doing her own snooping, but he managed to escape the store with the book.  
In June, Fetch struck again, kidnapping Carolina White from her home and holding her for ransom. He approached Stephen Barnes who gave him the emerald in exchange for Carolina. Fetch instead broke his word and escaped, trying to take both. This angered Stephen who tracked him down to his hidden lair. Fetch used the power of the Druidic Magicus to turn Stephen into a rat temporarily so he could destroy the emerald through a furnace. With the assistance of Carolina White, Emerald-Man reverted back to his normal form and punched Fetch. Fetch was knocked back into the furnace and caught ablaze, and ran off from the building, which caught on fire. He swore he'd meet Emerald-Man again.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Fetch's curse turned him into a man without an identity. His powers come from this curse, which has affected him in many different ways.
  • Face Fetching. As long as Fetch has material, he can make himself a facsimile of other living beings. Such a reflection is not entirely perfect, and sometimes will create minor flaws to the appearance like different eye color.
  • Immortality. Fetch cannot apparently die, despite facing mortal injuries and living longer than any man rightfully should. This comes at a cost: he cannot feel pleasures, nor the joy of living. This is because he dwells in a state between life and non-existence.
Thousands of years old
First Appearance
The Mystical Emerald-Man #1

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