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Arch-Druid Lurchu

Lurchu (or Lochru) was a powerful druid that usurped the position of Arch-Druid from the Muach dynasty in Ireland. His actions led to the destruction of the druids' power over Ireland.


Lurchu's early history is largely unknown. What is known was that he was picked by Muach, the arch-druid, to be part of the Macroom circle, the greatest of the druid circles of Ireland, presumably due to his understanding of magic. Lurchu was, at first, appreciative to be in this position, and hoped one day to succeed Muach in the position of Arch-Druid. However, Muach soon had a daughter whom he named Danu, which he grew to love deeply. Lurchu grew jealous of the girl, but stayed his hand. His corruption would come when he heard whispers from Crom Cruach, the Serpent of Ireland, who offered him the power of arch-druid if he would betray Muach.   In 433 AD, Lurchu then plotted to destroy Danu and her father in one fell swoop. He waited until Muach had grown very old, and then posed that Muach needed to chose a successor. Muach agreed, despite Danu believing Lurchu was up to no good. Lurchu then crafted a magical mask that allowed the wearer to pose as another, and assigned one of his prisoners with the task. He told the prisoner to use the mask to disguise as Danu, and then kill Muach. The prisoner agreed, and would succeed in the task. When the circle returned, Danu accused Lurchu of the murder of Muach. However, Lurchu used the druidic seeing stone, which revealed to the circle that "Danu" had killed her own father.   In this moment, Danu was declared a kinslayer and criminal. Lurchu became the de-facto leader, and soon openly professed his allegiance to Crom Cruach. Danu was forced into exile, and Lurchu took his place as Arch-Druid of Ireland.

The Coming of St. Patrick

Lurchu's power was quickly put into question as a Christian missionary, named Patrick, came to the island and began converting the people. Lurchu deemed Patrick powerless and thought little of him, assuring his fellow druids that he "had no power" and that Crom Cruach would prevail over him. However, he secretly was nervous of the missionary's strange speed of conversion. He thus went to appeal to High King Loegaire MacNiall, and the two plotted to entrap Patrick. Lurchu suggested forcing Patrick to commit apostasy or die, and to do it on the night to Easter.  
The plot went into effect. Lurchu found Patrick and had him taken against his will to Loegaire's feast to Crom Cruach. Lurchu declared Crom Cruach as their true god. He demanded Patrick to make a sacrifice to Crom Cruach. Patrick would refuse. Loegaire, joyous to kill the missionary, conjured his magic power and began to fly. He then conjured a lightning storm, hoping to kill Patrick. This, however, turned against him. He was struck by a lightning bolt, and as he fell to the ground, he broke his neck, instantly killing him. He laid dead before High King Loegaire, who became very afraid.   With Lurchu dead, the druidic order collapsed, and many converted to Christianity. Crom Cruach fell out of power, and all that was remembered of Lurchu was his persecution of St. Patrick.
373 AD 433 AD 60 years old
Circumstances of Death
Struck by lightning, broke neck.
First Appearance
The Mystical Emerald-Man #9

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Cover image: Fetch and Danu Duel by Collin Lamping


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