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Nexus Technologies Debuts Teleporter

By Carl Waxer - March 6th, 2022   Nexus Technologies announced on Saturday that a new device, inspired by experimental colliders, was going to be demonstrated and tested on Monday. The project is spearheaded by Dr. Megan Matter, a young physics graduate from Olympia University in Washington.   Director Jacob Enoch commented, “Megan is what I call a prodigy. She was behind the theory and science in the entire project. Of course, she was helped by one of our leading engineers in building the device, that being Dr. Seth Dwarn.”   K-Intune News tried to reach out to Dr. Dwarn on the project, but he did not desire to comment on the project.   “If this test succeeds, we will see a huge change in American industry in fifty years,” Enoch said. “No longer will we need to use trucks to transport goods across the country. Transportation will be faster, cheaper, and reliable.”   There have been some worries about potential industrial espionage on the project. In particular, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned the company about the device plans being stolen or the machine tampered with to make it fail. One agent noted an incident down in the city of Los Angeles where a renowned super-criminal, James Cutler (known by his more sensational name “the Cuttlefish”), stole an experimental cloaking device from Caveyar Industries. Police presence has been called to the facility to guard the project to ensure nothing is stolen or tampered with.   Mayor Robert Naise assures K-Intune, “The Portland Police Department will do their job and do it well. We hope the test runs successfully. The people of Portland are excited to have such a big scientific discovery taking place in our city.”

Cover image: Fetch and Danu Duel by Collin Lamping


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