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The Merrow

Carolina Abigail White (a.k.a. The Merrow)

Carolina Abigail White is a merrow enchantress, who befriended and betrayed the Emerald-Man in order to reclaim her stolen power.
"I will never be a slave to the land again!"


Early Life

Carolina White was born on January 25th of 1997 in a private birth by her parents Virginia and Stanley White's residence in Astoria, Oregon. This was for good reason: her mother was secretly an enchantress known as the Sea-Witch, a merrow who had eloped with Stanley White after rescuing him from a storm. Eventually Stanley drove Virginia away from their home, as he had learned she was a witch and a criminal. She was driven back to the ocean, where Stanley raised his daughter by himself. For the first eight years of her life, Carolina was raised alone by her father Stanley, who made a meager income as a fisherman. Eventually, money became tight, and Stanley moved to Portland, Oregon to find better work.  
However, sometime during this, Carolina discovered who she truly was, and grew to resent her father. She grew longing to return to the ocean, where she believed she belonged, and return to her mother. However, without a cohuleen druith of her own, Carolina was powerless to chase this vision. So, though she pretended to have a sweet exterior, inside she grew to be a bitter and resentful young girl. She would assume a typical life.   In elementary school, Carolina met Stephen Barnes, defending him against some bullies. They quickly became friends, and remained so throughout the entirety of their adolescence together. She went to college at Columbia State University, specializing in accounting, and joined the music club for a few years. After she graduated, she was welcomed to work along with Stephen at the Barnes Jewelry store as their accountant.

In Trouble with the Mob

Weeks after Stephen's father, Harold, had died, Carolina was entrusted with keeping his possessions safe. She gave Stephen the emerald necklace at the funeral, in February of that year. Afterward, the jewelry store was harassed by a local gang, who demanded payment, and Carolina threatened to press charges. Unfortunately for her, the gangsters did not take it well, and they kidnapped her after work on day. She was threatened by the gang's boss, Mario Valentine, an member of the dwindling mafia.   After she was let go, she pleaded with Stephen to pay them off. Stephen instead asked her to call the police on the situation. Little did she know her phone line was being wiretapped. The gang kidnapped her once again, much more violently, in Barnes Jewelry when Stephen was absent. She was then beaten by the gang, and Mario threatened to kill her. Thankfully, the gangsters were intercepted by Emerald-Man, who ultimately rescued Carolina from their clutches. She gave her thanks by hugging Emerald-Man.

Ms. Matter incident

Carolina finds a mysterious bycocket hat
Carolina went through the Barnes Jewelry basement and found an old beaten up bycocket, revealing previously unknown motives.
The next day, Carolina met up with Stephen at a coffee shop to relax and meet up after the entirety of the mafia incident. Stephen granted Carolina the day off from work so she could calm her nerves. She took off a few hours, but as a sign of thanks, she went to buy Stephen a sandwich. She saw a figure (that would happen to be Fetch) snooping in the basement of Barnes Jewelry while Stephen was, curiously, away. She investigated and found an old bycocket hat, something that seemed to change her entire attitude. Carolina then noticed she was not alone, and threatened Fetch. Then she departed.   After Stephen returned from defeating Ms. Matter, Carolina confronted him on his absence. She tried to charm him to get answers, but Stephen resisted. They made amends over the "misunderstanding", but not before Carolina charmed him again and departed.

Victim of Dr. Plague

Sometime later, Carolina returned from her leave of absence and brought Stephen an idea: to go the annual Spring Gala dance. She told him it would help them promote the business. The two went, with Carolina dressing in a beautiful red dress. However, the dance came under the attack of Dr. Plague, who infected everyone in the place with his Bubonic X. Carolina was one of these victims, and went into a comatose state. When she awakened, she was cured and was visited by Stephen, who brought her flowers.

Fetch Strikes Again

In the month of June, Carolina was kidnapped by the phantom Fetch, who used her to ransom the emerald from Stephen Barnes. She was not turned back over to Stephen. Emerald-Man came to rescue her, but was turned into a rat by Fetch. Carolina assisted Emerald-Man into returning to his old form. As she did, Fetch tried to polymorph her into a cow, yet somehow her body resisted the influences of the spell. This gave Emerald-Man enough time to transform to his old self and defeat Fetch.   Carolina then unmasked Emerald-Man as he was flying her home. She confronted Stephen for lying to her, but ultimately forgave him. What Emerald-Man did not notice, however, was that when he brought her back home, she made off with the stolen Druidic Magicus, for purposes unknown to him. Weeks later, at the 4th of July, Carolina managed to secure preforming a song at the Independence Day festival in Portland, Oregon, after an attack by a Fomorian.

Unveiled as the Merrow

After months of plotting, sometime in late July, Carolina had used the Druidic Magicus to reforge her mother's Cohuleen Druith, a magic cap that allowed her to assume her fey powers. The next day, she seduced and lured Stephen Barnes into coming to the coast with her. There, she managed to sever his connection to Creation (and therefore his powers) by enchanting him to break his knight's oath. Afterward, at the pier, she unveiled to Stephen who she truly was. She took out the cap, and transformed into a merrow before him.  
There she revealed her plan: she desired to reclaim the Eye of Albion, a celtic artifact that was stolen from her foremothers 500 years ago. Stephen tried to oppose her, telling her to turn away from her path of evil. She instead summoned a wave against him, throwing him into the water. She then managed to get past security at the Newport Nautical History Museum where the Eye of Albion was being held by enchanting them. There, she stole the pearl.   She would then hypnotized a naval admiral to take control of his fleet, to ensure she is not stopped with her plan. Despite this, Emerald-Man returned and demanded her seize her ritual to raise New Albion. The two engaged in a fight, where a naval ship under Carolina's hypnotic control fired at Emerald-Man. Despite this, Emerald-Man survived. Carolina's spell was reversed by a group of selkies and their queen, Makushla, who sang toward the navymen. Makushla recovered the Eye of Albion from Carolina. Carolina then fled to a lighthouse. She would be confronted by Emerald-Man, to which she brutally wounded, until she realized she was hurting Stephen. Emerald-Man talked sense to her, and she grew remorseful of her actions.   Regardless of her remorse, she knew her decision was irreversible, and jumped from the top of the lighthouse into the water below. She then lamented her choice on a rock days later, promising she would return to Emerald-Man once again.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Carolina, due to being a merrow, has powers related to her merfolk blood, and particularly her fey blood. However, some of her powers are limited to when she has her cohuleen druith (her red cap) on or not.  
  • Spell Deflection. Due to her fey blood, Carolina has the ability to deflect spells off of herself, particularly harmful and form-changing ones such as polymorphing.
  • Enchantment. Carolina has shown to have powers over enchantment magic, particularly through the use of her looks, words, and songs
  • Water Manipulation.When she has her cap on, Carolina is able to manipulate water through magical spells.
  • Enhanced Strength and Speed. As the Merrow, Carolina becomes supernaturally athletic. In particular, she can swim at extraordinary speeds.
  • Cold Resistance. As the Merrow, Carolina can handle the deep cold of the ocean and other cold environments.
Date of Birth
January 25th, 1997
Year of Birth
1997 AD 25 Years old
Newport, Oregon
145 lbs.
First Appearance
The Mystical Emerald-Man #1 (as Carolina)
The Mystical Emerald-Man #12 (as the Merrow)

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Cover image: Fetch and Danu Duel by Collin Lamping
Character Portrait image: The Merrow by Collin Lamping


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