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Common Deities of Emergo

(and associated Demigods, as of 300 YR)  

The 12 "Common" Gods

Across the continent, the gods are worshipped in varying ways. Some have huge temples and whole cities dedicated to them, others inspire cults and secret societies. Whether they are venerated or merely known to exist, below are the 12 most commonly acknowledged by the public.    
Name Alt Names Align Portfolio Domains
Paladine Bahamut LG Honor, Rulers & Guardians, Justice Life, Order, War
Pelor Dawnfather, Al'Asran, The Shining One NG Sun & Agriculture Light, Nature
Freya Avandra CG Fertility, Love, Luck Life, Nature
Poseidon Deep Sashelas CN Seas & Storms Grave, Tempest
Morrigan Bane CE War War, Tempest
Bhaal NE Disease & Secrecy Arcana, Death
Tiamat Takhisis, Sehanine LE Trickery & Night Twilight, Order, Trickery
Kelemvor Lyonsbane LN Death Death, Grave
Thoth Ioun NN Knowledge & Wisdom Knowledge
Mystra - Magic Arcana, Light
Nike Erathis - Victory, Perseverance, Invention Life, War
Reorx Gond, Moradin - Craft & Workers Forge, Knowledge

Regional Notes

  • The Holy Dominion of Sirastir only permits worship of five gods: Paladine, Pelor, Freya, Thoth and Reorx. Priests of Kelemvor are permitted for their particular use in funeral rites, but their membership is strictly limited.
  • The Menimrest Empire has a small number of priests, but the mages commonly venerate Mystra and Thoth as holders of ancient knowledge.
  • In the hierarchical society of Osium, the orcs recognize Bahamut and Tiamat as opposing forces, both respected for their lawful nature.
  • Where Poseidon is more commonly revered in the island nations of Qu'Varia and Tirise, Freya is almost exclusively exalted as Avandra, Goddess of Luck.






  • Maglubyiet - a charismatic Goblin leader
  • Ahkilays - a bold tribal warrior
  • Queen of Ravens - the ruler of an unseen court with eyes everywhere
  • Vecna - "The Whispered One", a human lich who ruled as King of Sheldomar in the far south during the time of the Desmicans.
A cleric of Paladine worshiping their chosen deity as the order at the center of creation.
A certain red mage filled with a sense of purpose considers the will of Mystra.

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