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Kelemvor Lyonsbane

Lyonsbane Kelemvor

God of Death

The Lord of the Dead, the Judge of the Damned—these are all names given to Kelemvor. While he is a god of the dead and of the afterlife, he is also seen as just, fair, and even comforting. Kelemvor is thought to be a benevolent deity that leads each soul to the afterlife they seek, symbolizing the natural force of death. Kelemvor’s faithful attempt to prevent untimely death and they abhor the undead, for they are seen as a perversion of the natural order of death. Death may come to all, but it must be done naturally. His priests officiate at funeral rites, and they comfort those who have had a loved one pass away.  

Kelemvor's Influence

Before ascending to his divine domain, Kelemvor was a mortal human. Initially a mercenary and adventurer, Kelemvor gained the "Lyonsbane" title for his role as a military leader in Menim's War against the Caelian Empire. During the tumultuous events at the end of the war, the sun god Pelor was temporarily weakened as Kelemvor ascended to godhood with Menim's help. It is believed that in exchange Kelemvor gave his blessing for the creation of the Warforged.   Prior to Kelemvor's ascension, the Lord of Bones was recognized as the god over Death. The Lord of Bones was a god of endings and hopelessness, and people did not pray to them but blame them for deaths, aging, and sickness.   Kelemvor sees it as his duty and right to ensure that those who enter his realm remain there for all time. Within the realm of the dead, his will is law.  

Worshipping Kelemvor

The death clergy have many duties tending to the last wishes of the dying and providing burial services to those who died alone. They also set out to cure diseases and defend people from monsters so that folk did not die before their time. Their final and arguably most important task was the destruction of undeath in all its various forms as it was an affront to Kelemvor.  

Ideals of the Faith

Just as every life ends at the same destination, many different paths can lead a worshipper to Kelemvor. Followers of the Death God may hold fast to the ideals of destiny, finality, hatred of the undead, and ultimately power over life.
  • Mortality - I will enforce the most important law: anything that lives must one day die
  • Consolation - Everyone deserves the solace that comes with accepting their destiny
  • Acceptance - Whatever my fate, I will embrace it with Kelemvor's blessing
  • Power - I relish having mastery over life and death

Myths of Kelemvor

To be revealed later...

Temples / Seats of Worship

Reaperscythe Hall - The temple was located in [City], within the Kirruk Sabban district. Rising on one side of the temple was a tall, glittering minaret. The entire minaret was glazed in a crystalline substance, causing it to glisten in the sunlight. Depicted on the walls of the minaret was the ascension of Kelemvor himself as well as a history of the temple   Temple of Kelemvor - Originally a holy house dedicated to the previous Lord of the Dead that was open in the Lower City of Ireabor during the late Second Age, it was run by Father Alby, who was assisted by the cleric Nerys. The temple staff assisted with the burials for local citizens, including soldiers and guards of the Flaming Fist. The church was a simple stone building with a number of steeples. Its facade featured the holy symbol of Kelemvor, a skeletal arm holding balanced scales. The temple and its current staff safeguard a number of relics considered holy to the church of Kelemvor.   True Temple of the Dead - The True Temple of the Dead is a holy house found in the public graveyard of Ravens Bluff, located just east of the city proper. Rather than a typical place of worship, the True Temple was erected to protect the citizens of Ravens Bluff from any possible undead threats that may have emerged from the surrounding graves. In 45 YR, the temple came into existence in a very unusual manner. Shortly after the funeral services for Belanor Fenmarel, the Deputy Mayor of the Bluff, the grounds of the graveyard began to tremble and the temple emerged from the ground, an obsidian monolith that shone in the moonlight. When all was settled, the priest Damien Rethart emerged from the building's front doors and introduced himself to those holding vigil for the deceased deputy mayor. He claimed to be the representative of Kelemvor to all the Ravenian citizens and let it be known that the True Temple of the Dead was the rightful resting place for all the city's souls.   Tower of Skulls - An abbey and the major center of worship for the church of Kelemvor, the tower was located in Ormath, a small city on the south-eastern edge of the Shining Plains. The abbey was a ziggurat, with the exterior walls covered in carvings of human skulls. The interior of the abbey comprised rooms connected by spiraling corridors. Beneath the abbey, massive cellars extended deep into the earth. The cellars connected to an underground river and several caverns. Within the caverns, the clerics grew a type of edible fungi. The clerics, using the edible fungi grown deep under the abbey, made a potent wine that was amber in color. They also created perfumes, unguents, and potions from the fungi, which were sold to outsiders.  

Kelemvor's Champions

Alignment: Neutral   Typical Classes: Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer   Divine Domain: Death, Grave   Typical Backgrounds: Charlatan, Urchin, Criminal   Elite priests of Kelemvor were known as Doomguides. Servants of Kelemvor were usually clad in somber gray vestments and brandished bastard swords or sickles.  

Earning & Losing Kelemvor's Favor

  • Convincing a group of people to accept misfortune (+)
  • Easing someone's death or assisting with funeral arrangements (+)
  • Ending a powerful undead (++)
  • Thwarting the Caelians (++)
  • Preventing a just death without compensation in balance (-)
  • Forsaking your duties to a community for personal gain or pleasure (--)
  • Allowing the creation of undead (--)

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Balanced Scales held in a Skeletal Hand

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Kelemvor wants above all to maintain his position of absolute authority over the realm of the dead. Typically immovable, he lashes out at anyone who aids souls in escaping from his realm or otherwise tries to subvert the inevitability of death. He supports those who actively oppose the Demon Prince Orcus.
The Holy Symbol of Kelemvor
Divine Classification
Common Deity
Lawful Neutral
Mortal Kelemvor Lyonsbane 

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