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Dwarves are a stocky race, roughly a foot shorter than humans, with broad, heavy frames. Dwarves have many sub-species but they all herald from a sector of planets near the galactic core. Different stories make claim to the original planet for the Dwarves but no one is quite sure which story if any is true. What is known is that after discovering space travel and colonizing and transforming planets in their sector, Dwarves began to evolve and adapt to their new homes creating the sub-species. Many of them can inter-breed still but there are some sub-species that have had to adapt to such extreme environments that they have difficulty producing viable offspring outside of their sub-species.   All races of Dwarves are hearty people. They have an aptitude for engineering and pride them selves in creating magnificent feats of engineering with as little resources as possible.

Basic Information


Dwarves are humanoid and stand between 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall and waigh between 150 to 200 lbs. They have have have broad shoulders and thick arms and legs from evolving on high gravity worlds. Their hair and skin color varies based on planet and region of the planet.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves become adults at 40 and live to an average of 450 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves hail from large, high gravity plents. Many of their societies thrive underground with small settlements on the surface, usually for production purposes or recreation. Some dwarven planets actually orbit small black holes or large stars that spew massive amounts of radation. This is one of the reasons they have built their societies underground. Even though they are a hardy species that can withstand more radiation than most, they still have had to adapt to these extremes to sheild themeselves from the higher levels of radiation from the center of the galaxy.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves have excellent eye sight in the dark. They are a slower moving species but they can carry a lot of weight.
450 years
Average Height
4-4.5 feet
Average Weight
150-200 lbs

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