
Bards are fairly well respected in Emicara, particularly among the citizens of Kingdom of Alsona, who view them as their most treasured heroes. Magic through music is one of the few acceptable types of magic to the Church of the One Sun, and within the Civilized Lands as long as it is not directly harmful to any of the listeners or bystanders. Several major universities all offer courses in magic through music, and conservatories and various theaters often find bards to be in high demand for their performances. The majority of bards in Emicara are typically humans, with Alsonans being the most respected ones. That said, bards of all races are typically found, as music is a common link in nearly every culture, even if it comes in sometimes dramatically different forms.   College of Lore bards are the most popular among the common folk of Emicara. Performers and magicians alike, they even offer healing and support when people are too afraid of local churches and temples to seek out aid there. They are even respected among wizards and at various universities and centers of higher learning for their perceived dedication to the study of magic and history.   College of Valor bards are commonly trained at the University of Pegrama, a facility that has offered great chance for adventure and study through their partnership with the Alsonan Rangers. Outside of Alsona, valor bards are accepted among the half-giant tribes of the north, and even are some of the most socially mobile adventurers in Populres' strict caste system.    College of Glamour students are rarely accepted among the more "serious" of practitioners of bardic magic. From many cultures' strict dislike of enchantment magic to the notoriety that these bards often obtain during their studies, some bardic colleges have even dropped this particular avenue of study from their course selections. Those who make their way through regardless, often find themselves being looked at with relative dislike and suspicion from their peers, and have a reputation for being manipulative and exploitative of those around them.   Unlike most bards, those belonging to the College of Swords typically receive through training through military organizations instead of one of the numerous bardic colleges that exist in Emicara. Cadets and conscripts who demonstrate aptitude for inspiring their fellow soldiers or limited amounts of magic can often find themselves tapped to join various militaries' bands and support units. Therefore these bards have a relatively good reputation when considered by the public, and most are depicted as being no-nonsense warriors of fortune.    The College of Whispers is not recognized by any institution as an official college of bardic magic. Instead, most who enter into this field have received their training from an assortment of trainers from all fields. Others tend to gain experience and knowledge through rising up within various criminal organizations. Regardless of their origins, whisper bards are highly sought after by intelligence gathering agencies and businesses, and are respected by most other bards, if often distrusted.    College of Creation bards are typically from old dwarven and gnomish enclaves, or from within the Shin Empire. Skilled at forming new things from the old or even just nothing, creation bards are highly respected among those who work and tinker the most. Most human societies tend to trend towards the more flamboyant types of bards instead, and creation bards are considered by most to be steady and reliable, if not particularly interesting.    Training in the College of Eloquence can be found at nearly every major university and college, even those that typically do not offer courses in more standard magic. A popular pursuit of aristocrats and merchants, the College of Eloquence produces the finest negotiators and diplomats in Emicara. Most of these bards are said to demonstrate the finest natures of the bardic tradition, bringing verbal debate and discussion to a new level. Eloquence bards can be find in essentially every corner of the world, either advancing their employer's interests or their own through negotiation.    Adventurer Disclaimer: As an adventurer you are automatically an exception to racial rules! The story is about you, and therefore, you can be expected to break boundaries the majority of people in the world of Emicara are typically restrained to.


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