Chlumani Kanta

Mayor Chlumani Kanta

The origins of Chlumani Kanta are shrouded in mystery. Said to be the last surviving member of a Cotaw clan that had been wiped out in an attack by giants, she disappeared for decades, leaving behind her tribe and the Sypi Confederacy. There is truth to these origins, as her tribe had been destroyed, only for her to be rescued by a party of adventurers as the sole survivor at the age of twelve. One of these adventurers turned out to be a member of the Cult of the Damned, a philanthropic organization based in the Shin Empire, seeking to help preserve and develop civilization without war.   With nowhere else to go, Chlumani was recruited into the Cult, and found her way into the still open Shin Empire, and eventually arrived at the Citadel of the Damned itself, and began her training into the ways of a monk. She was skilled, although hardly the greatest among the myriad students within the mountaintop stronghold. She still took her training to heart, and became well read and versed in many languages. When she turned twenty-two, she was given her first task: a mission of espionage deep into the territory of Populres. Her objective was to eliminate a cabal of undead worshippers who sought to undermine Populresi defenses against the hordes from the north.    Although she was hamstrung by being forced to take on the role of a slave, Chlumani managed to organize a party of slaves and citizens alike from the nation and topple the cabal that sought to bring about the triumph of the undead in 989 AF. She continued to travel with the party for several years after before returning to the citadel once again. When she arrived at the citadel, she settled in for a bit, seeking to retire and build up a relationship with a fellow student. Their dalliance lasted several years, until he was killed in a mission in the Sypi Confederacy, at the hands of operatives of the Church of the One Sun. Requesting an assignment back in her homeland, the leadership of the Cult agreed to send her west.    Chlumani took up a position of influence in the town of Kanta, appearing as a simple laborer, and keeping an eye upon the growth of the Church's influence in the town and Confederacy at large. For nearly two decades, she did her best to undermine the influence of the Church, but she felt increasingly isolated from her support back in the Shin Empire, which was now closed off to the world. With communication and support limited, Chlumani ended up taking an active role in the Sypi Civil War, rallying resistance in Kanta against the Sihka and their supporters. At the end of the war, her popularity with the masses and among the people of the town led to an easy election as mayor. She has since governed the town fairly, seeking to support the local economy and grow the town's stability and influence within the Confederacy.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mayor of Kanta
Date of Birth
Sunscorch 24, 954
Year of Birth
954 AF 87 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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