Ekaterini Politili

Archmage Ekaterini Politili

Ekaterini Politili today is the Archmage of the Asimi College of Magic. She came from humble origins, with her parents having been killed during the Pegrama Pogrom of 960 AF. She was born to a high elf woman, who had exiled herself from her family in Jakonia and a human man she had fallen in love with. Both were killed, and Ekaterini was raised by her human grandparents. They were not wealthy people, and ended up having to move from town to town for most of Ekaterini's childhood. This lonely life and the chance discovery of an abandoned spellbook in the wilderness while traveling between towns directed Ekaterini's life to come.   Ekaterini studied the spellbook she had found extensively, as her sole source of entertainment and education. Her grandparents saw her talent first hand when she cast her first spell at the age of 12. Although they lacked many means, they were able to save enough funds to send her to the Asimi College of Magic. There she began to learn from the finest wizards in Alsona, and developed a talent for abjuration magic. She completed her studies nine years later, and graduated with a degree in abjuration, and soon sought to make her mark in the world.   The town of Teva at the time was beginning to struggle with waves of dwarven refugees and the rise of violence within the community between dwarves and humans. The town leaders were desperately attempting to increase the strength of the guards, and when she applied, she was immediately accepted, in the hopes that a half-elf would be viewed as an unbiased source of judicial oversight. Her talents of magic proved useful in discerning the truth in many investigations, and she became known for solving numerous crimes that would have been otherwise left unpunished.    In 1003, her career almost came to an abrupt end, as the Elfhunt Pogrom went into full swing. A small community of half-elves in Teva had developed, and during the height of the pogrom, they were assaulted by organized mobs. Ekaterini stepped in and through use of her magic, helped keep the community in Teva alive and mostly uninjured. Unfortunately, several humans were killed as she defended herself, and in the days that followed, she was forced to flee the town that had been her home for decades. She landed in Asimi, where connections with the College helped her gain a position as a professor of abjuration, teaching the next generation of wizards.   Ekaterini remained with the College, and during the Wingo War, the head of abjuration joined the fight against the dwarves, allowing her to advance in her field. The archmage too ultimately resigned his post in 1023 and took up arms in support of the Kingdom of Alsona. With so many of the faculty having deserted their positions to fight in the war, Ekaterini was selected by those who remained, in the hopes that she would preserve the College's traditional neutrality in political affairs. They made a correct decision, although some regretted the selection when the war came to an end and a half-elf was in charge of Alsona's preeminent institution of learning. She has maintained her post, and while admissions have dropped since the end of the war, she has helped make the institution more efficient than ever.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archmage of the Asimi College of Magic
Date of Birth
Newdawn 4, 959
Year of Birth
959 AF 82 Years old
Aligned Organization


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