Fables of Alsona

Fables of Alsona is a nearly complete collection of tales and stories from the deep oral tradition of the Alsonan people, stretching back nearly eight hundred years. The stories tell of old tales and warnings, and Gikas’ notes break down the hidden meanings and ideas of the past. The stories include warnings about medusas, sphynxes, and gryphons, all which are believed to have some magical nature within them. The book discusses old curses which occasionally blight the more remote locations of Alsona, discussing people who received bizarre sicknesses and transformations that would horrify their friends and family from delving into these remote locales. The book also has a full chapter on the King and his importance in Alsonan culture, theorizing how he was likely a mythical creation around which a cult has emerged over the past two centuries.   The unabridged version of this book never was accepted for publishing and only a few handwritten copies are found throughout Alsona. The book includes the story of the Furies. These were a collection of three ancient creatures, usually depicted as female, who would be called upon by the spurned and betrayed to avenge them against a powerful oppressor. Allegedly the Furies were imprisoned long ago in a battle against the King, who struck them down through powerful magic and bardic abilities. Gikas points out that this is the sole story in which the King is portrayed as the villain, rather than a noble hero.
Manuscript, Literature


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