Families of the Vovoi

Created by an unknown author from Pegrama, Families of the Vovoi is a book found often in the libraries of criminals and thieves. This is essentially a spotter’s guide to the worst of the worst offered by Alsonan humanity. The Vovoi are known to be an organized syndicate of three dominant crime families: the Karahalios, the Panagoupolus, and the Miras. The history of the families is mostly unknown, but it provides a breakdown of how to identify the allegiance of individuals and to which family they belong. Chapters of tattoos and sigils are provided, even to the lesser subordinate families that pay homage to the big three. The book essentially states that the Karahalios have typically a larger number of half-elves involved in their organization, while Panagoupolus are typically on drugs or liquor, while the Miras are typically the most secretive and deadly of the thugs of the Vovoi.
Manuscript, Historical


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