Giant Hunting for Rangers

Written by famous Ranger giant hunter Aretina Antoni, who is not known for her writing skills, this book provides a series of tips and ideas for bringing down giants. Each of the three main types of giants seen in Alsona are discussed, along with methods of building traps and devices for circumstantial fights. She advocates using traps and deadfalls against the Hill Giants, who are notoriously foolish enemies, and using their own strength against them whenever possible. Hill Giants are said to be easily lured in by cooking food or the promise of easy prey. Fire Giants on the other hand are known to be significantly more cunning and better armed, and thus more dangerous foes. She states that the best way to fight a fire giant is with ice or near water, ideally in the dead of winter. Fire Giants can occasionally be baited into battle if they feel their honor has been diminished. Lastly stone giants are known to be the most dangerous foe that a Ranger can face in the west. They wander around with mysterious intent and purpose, but rarely attack human settlements, usually just stealing the odd cow or other livestock. Occasionally they will sit in a daze, quietly, and this is the best time to attack them.
Guide, How-to


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