Gnomish Enclaves: Laws and Society

This book is an extensive study of the creatures known as gnomes found in remote locations throughout the Apps Mountains and the forests of Alsona. It discusses the two types of gnomes, forest and rock, and provides a bit of a spotter’s guide to the unusual beings. The book does its best to offer a rebuttal to the portrayal of gnomes in Alsonan fiction, wherein they are usually shown as clumsy minions to evil elves. The gnomes are known to be a reclusive group, hidden in single or multiple family burrows in remote locations, typically digging out most of their homes from the earth. Despite living in holes, their homes are usually lavishly decorated and furnished as gnomes are renown as the finest craftsmen of toys and furnishings that can be found in Emicara.    The book goes into depth about the laws of the gnomes, which are fairly straight-forward and practical. Most of the time, gnomish hideaways are concealed by magic, but gnomes are encouraged to be friendly to outsiders, offering them aid and support, but only if it is desperately needed. Some gnomes are known to trade various goods to human towns, and many are often seen in the town of Notostrophi, plying their wares. The book states however that the gnomes are in often communication with other burrows and an offense upon one gnome home is an offense upon all of them. Those who anger the gnomes are ill-advised to travel the wilds, as they can be known to disappear without a trace.
Manuscript, Historical


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