Holy Orders of the One Sun

Written and published by the Church of the One Sun as recruiting material for holy warriors, this book covers the superficial differences and duties of the two militant holy orders belonging to the Church, the Monastic Brotherhood and the Fellowship of the Palms. The Monastic Brotherhood is described as righteous group of paladins who serve the One Sun, and act as acquirers and protectors of rare or dangerous magical artifacts or relics from the Nameless Empire. They are said to be located at the legendary Cathedral of the Brotherhood, which is said to contain such powerful artifacts that once it was struck down by dark powers, only to be restored in the midst of the wasteland left behind by the truly holy.   The Fellowship of the Palms is described as a reclusive and secretive order, tasked with the protection of Church interests across the world. They are said to be taught a powerful form of martial arts and are constantly vigilant for the corruption offered by the Cult of the Damned. They are said to be imbued with the power of the Sun, bringing light to the darkest corners of the world and utterly devoted to the Council of Hierarchs and the Church.
Text, Religious


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