Magic in Emicara

The source of magic in Emicara is a matter of debate among many scholars and wizards throughout the region. There are a few matters that all who know magic agree upon. The first is that all magic is drawn from the same cloth, although it may originate from different sources. Some believe it to be an intrinsic physical creation, like gravity or magnetism, others believe that it is a completely different substance. All know, however, that magic comes from a source commonly referred to as "the Reservoir."  

The Reservoir

  The Reservoir is the common term for the vast pool of magic that exists throughout the world. Some believe that this is an actual physical pool, existing somewhere within the Material Plane, although most believe the term to be simply metaphorical. Common history states that before the Nameless Empire fell, the Reservoir had been nearly drained or even completely emptied by the great feats of magic that took place and the vast array of magical items that existed. The cataclysmic war that occurred and the chaos that followed allowed the Reservoir to replenish and refill over time and through the expense of significant amounts of life and the spilling of blood.   To tap into the Reservoir requires intense study and practice for most users of magic, who become known as wizards, bards, rangers, or artificers. Through their study, they learn how to tap directly into the power of the reservoir. The practice of magic in this manner essentially turns the user of the magic into a new reservoir, minuscule in comparison to the one they drew from. Those who use magic often find themselves exhausting their own person reservoirs rather quickly, and rest often is require to recharge and replenish their abilities. This is common for all magic wielders, not just those who study, but also those who draw from other sources.  


  Sorcerers are those who need not to study and instead act as a direct conduit for the Reservoir. Why some people seem to attract this particular ability is currently unknown, but constantly speculated and experimented upon. Unlike those who study and learn to tap into the Reservoir, it is believed that the majority of sorcerers directly create their own magic, and are a source of new energy that eventually ends up within the greater Reservoir with each casting of a spell. Others may be granted power or draw their strength from a different location rather than the main Reservoir itself, such as from a deity or other magical being.  

Gods and Magic

  Gods and other divine beings are like sorcerers in that they do not draw their power directly from the Reservoir. Instead, they generate magic themselves, each of them acting as their own personal reservoir. The difference between gods and sorcerers is solely the amount of power that they produce. Why these beings produce such power rather than drawing from the Reservoir is essentially unknown for the majority of those who study. Paladins, clerics, and warlocks all derive their power from these particular sources that rest outside of the Reservoir itself.  

Magical Items

  Every magical item is in itself its own small reservoir. When a magical item is created, the creation draws from the Reservoir itself to create a new pool or strength within the object that has been created. Sometimes this leads to a permanent effect which has a constant but small drain from the Reservoir, other times the effects are far greater, and the item acts similarly to wizards, drawing power from the Reservoir when its powers are emptied. It is widely believed that magic used in the creation of these items are drawn permanently from the Reservoir and most common theories suggest that extensive use of magical items is what led to the emptying of the Reservoir prior to the collapse of the Nameless Empire.


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