Mythic Weapons of Alsona

This forbidden tome, outlawed by the Royal Order, discusses the three greatest weapons in Alsonan history. These tools, created by the greatest magic practitioners that the kingdom has ever known have long since disappeared into legend. The first is the Feyfolk Pen, a quill with an unending bottle of ink that allows the writer to alter the very nature of reality as it transcribes the details of the owner’s life in a blank tome. The stories told allegedly disappear into the Feywild, where they are watched over by a fae librarian who collects the stories of heroes. Using the Feyfolk Pen, a person can alter their story, assuming they can find it among the elves of Alsona. The Mournful Widow, is a guitar said to be the personal belonging of the long departed King of Alsona. Allegedly it functions as a weapon of supreme power, enhancing a bard’s natural abilities to a great extent, and providing them with abilities and strength far beyond the norm. Stories claim that a part of the King’s personality rubbed off on the Mournful Widow, and it slowly warps the mind of the wielder. All legends agree that it was buried within in the Tomb of the King and occasionally makes an appearance outside. The Paintbrush of Formation is the last of the ancient weapons used, as it allows an artist to create a pocket dimension on a canvas, which can be used as a trap or a safe place of repose. It is believed to be hidden at the University of Pegrama.
Manuscript, Historical


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