Royal Order Report on the Alsonan Borders 1030

The Royal Order writes a new report every five years about the status of the nation’s borders and the security against outside threats. This is the latest version published within the past year. The book starts by stating the good news, that the number of raids from Deadlands centaurs has declined dramatically. Ranger scouts have claimed that constant vigilance against the centaurs and preemptive strikes against their tribes have been the most effective defense. The western border, the Sypi River, continues to be porous and in recent years the number of reported giants has increased, as have attacks by giants on travelers and villages. The border with the Sypi Confederacy has been fairly quiet lately, though the recent loss of Bell Keep has made patrolling the border significantly more difficult, as the Confederacy falls victim to a succession crisis. The lengthy border with the Shin Empire has been locked down by magical wards and Shin patrols, and only a handful of smugglers continue to make the journey across. Lastly, as with the past six reports, a constant wave of dwarven refugees continue to come in from Reva and the dwarven kingdoms in the Apps. With only light security along the Long Road, it has become impossible to keep control over these migrations, as it is clear that underground routes may exist that the dwarves are traveling.
Report, Intelligence


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