Spear of the Wicked Wolves

This book discusses the legend of the Spear of the Wicked Wolves, a known folk tale among the Wicka Tribe. It is written to have been forged by the fire giants west of the Sypi River, and stolen by the founder of the tribe, Spartacus Wicka. He led a revolt of human slaves against the giants, and to freedom across the Sypi River, creating the base of the Confederacy. The spear is said to be an incredibly powerful weapon, and provides the wielder to become a giant white wolf, tearing through enemies in battle. Unfortunately, those who use the weapon’s capability too much becomes weak in the mind and desires to become a wolf themselves and forsake their humanity.    The Battle of Conecuh Lake is written to have been the last appearance of the Spear in known history. According to the legend, the Grand Chief went mad from the use, and it was determined that it could be used no longer. The old chief was magically contained in the First Temple buried beneath the home encampment of the Wicka Tribe, along with his spear. He is said to still guard the Spear to this day, protecting it from thieves and those who would seek to wield its power. A plethora of traps, both magical and mundane protect the Spear, and the entryway is rumored to be in a concealed hatch hidden within the Wicka chief’s Great Hall.
Manuscript, Historical


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