Stranger’s Guide to Pegrama and Parthenonas

The Stranger’s Guide offers the best informational book about the two largest cities in the Kingdom of Alsona to the traveler or adventurer. The book breaks down the descriptions of both Pegrama and Parthenonas to be easily interpreted by the average traveler to Alsona from elsewhere in Emicara. Parthenonas receives the smaller of the two sections, as it is declared off limits to all but the finest and wealthiest of foreign dignitaries and visitors. This is not completely true, as merchants bringing fine goods are also accepted, as the wealthy of the city need somewhere to buy their luxuries from. Foreign bards and entertainers are welcome at the multiple theaters of the city, providing they have enough letters of recommendation to gain entry. Lastly, a pilgrim with enough money or possessions to pay the entry tax may pay homage to his patron deity at the relevant temple at the Avenue of the Gods.    Pegrama on the other hand, has a much more open access to the people of Emicara. With the walls in severe disrepair and no easily guarded entryways, the entire city is plainly open. The book details the multiple wonders of the city, describing the beauty of the mansions and the great variety of goods available at the markets. The theaters are clearly praised, as they have access to the latest and greatest graduates from the University. The University of Pegrama receives an entire chapter on its own, detailing the splendor of the gardens there and the skill of the teachers. The library itself is one of the wonders of the world, offering unparalleled knowledge to members of the University in good standing.
Guide, Generic


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