Tale of the Furies

The Tale of the Furies is an ancient fable passed down and only once committed down into paper. This is the sole copy of this book that exists in Emicara, with the others having been destroyed or disappeared. The book tells the story of the Furies, a powerful force, usually depicted as three women who the weak and poor could call upon to punish oppressors. They could summon these beings to bring havoc to whoever threatened the weakest of the world. The fable claims that a wicked sorcerer used his power to banish the three, but that they are forever waiting outside of reality, attempting to get back in to complete their work. The stories claim that the sorcerer tricked them and trapped them in melodies to forever prevent them from escaping, and that only by performing the three lost melodies all at once could they break free and bring vengeance upon the one who entrapped them.
Manuscript, Historical


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