Testaments of the One Sun

The Testaments were written by the Hierarchs of the Church of the One Sun in the time before known history. They have since been painstakingly preserved and passed on through the ages by the following Councils and leaders. Produced in large amounts by numerous scribes with the Monastic Brotherhood, the book has gained widespread distribution throughout nearly all of Emicara. The Testaments offer a code of behavior to followers of the One Sun, calling for charity and kindness to fellow man. The book calls for a duty to one’s neighbor and community, saying that as one thrives, all will thrive. Lastly, the book tells how the Sun sent down light, only for the Nameless Empire to cast it back ungratefully. The Nameless Empire then created its own light for the world, mocking the One Sun and its power. The mockery could not be ignored, and despite its benevolence, the One Sun struck down the Nameless Empire and the lights it had created, and preserved those who remained faithful despite the darkness, thus leading to the creation of Emicara.
Text, Religious


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