
Learning magic from years of scholarly study and effort is by far the most common way to become a magic user in Emicara. Numerous universities of magic exist, teaching people the ways of the craft and its workings. Magic in many areas is just another branch of science and engineering, teaching people to manipulate the Reservoir as they would manipulate physics or geometry in other sciences. Humans, high elves, and halfbreeds are the most common wizards, although a handful dwarf strongholds do make it a practice to train those skilled in arcana. Depending on the nation, nearly anyone can be seen as a wizard, and they are the most plentiful of spellcasters.    Adventurer Disclaimer: As an adventurer you are automatically an exception to racial rules! The story is about you, and therefore, you can be expected to break boundaries the majority of people in the world of Emicara are typically restrained to.


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