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House Rules

Here I will attempt to keep a list of all the house rules that I will use in any campaigns that take place in Emmel. Some campaigns may have more or less depending on the theme and tone of the game.  
  • Kibble's Crafting Compendium will be in use, any material found in the book is fair game
  • Health Potion BA for a roll to heal, FA for a max heal
  • Anyone may use a spell scroll even non casters, and there is no restriction on what you can cast in terms of class and level. If the spell is a higher level than you can regularly cast the player will roll an Arcana(INT for non-casters. Casters may use their regular spellcasting stat) check with the DC being 10 + spell level to cast. On a fail of 5 or more below the DC the scroll is used up to no effect. If you aren't a caster the DC base is 12 instead.
  • On main roads and in towns long rests are easy to come by, but off the beaten path is different. If the party feels as though they need a watch and are in the elements they cannot benefit from the effects of a long rest, instead the best the can get is a short rest. Each party member also has to consume 1 ration, or the equivalent, per day or take a level of exhaustion.
  • The amount of extra skills, feats, proficiencies, etc. that a character may have trained outside of level ups ie. teachers is equal to that characters proficiency bonus.
  • Use the language table from the OneDND UA Character Origins, changes being the addition of Common Sign Language to the Common Languages Table, and Thieves Cant and Druidic added to the Rare Languages Table.
  • Mute spellcasters using Common Sign Language (CSL) use specially crafted one-handed wind instruments that look similar to an ocarina as both a spellcasting focus and for making the verbal components of spells as it can achieve the "particular combination of sounds, with specific pitch and resonance" used for casting spells. Arcana(INT) checks to determine the spell being cast in this way are made at disadvantage unless the person is familiar with CSL casting. CSL casters cannot attempt to hide the verbal components of spells they cast however they may add their proficiency bonus to a Sleight of Hand(DEX) check (vs Pass/Active Perc) to obscure somatic components.
  • Related to the above the Understand Languages and Tongues spells do not interpret CSL and Thieves Cant as CSL is not heard and Thieves Cant isn't a "language" but is coded speech.
  • The Barbarian's Rage damage boost applies to Unarmed Strikes
  • Exhaustion Rules from the OneDnD UA are in use:
    While you are subjected to the Exhausted Condition (known in older books as Exhaustion), you experience the following effects:
    Levels of Exhaustion. This Condition is cumulative. Each time you receive it, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. You die if your exhaustion level exceeds 10.
    d20 Rolls Affected. When you make a d20 Test, you subtract your exhaustion level from the d20 roll.
    Spell Save DCs Affected. Subtract your exhaustion level from the Spell save DC of any Spell you cast.
    Ending the Condition. Finishing a Long Rest removes 1 of your levels of exhaustion. When your exhaustion level reaches 0, you are no longer Exhausted.
  • Heroic Inspiration rules from the OneDnD UA are in use: 
    When you have Heroic Inspiration (also called Inspiration), you can expend it to give yourself Advantage on a d20 Test. You decide to do so immediately after rolling the d20.
    GAINING HEROIC INSPIRATION. A player character gains Heroic Inspiration if the character rolls a 1 for a d20 Test. That 1 must be on the d20 used for the test’s total, not on a d20 that was rerolled or discarded. This Heroic Inspiration represents a character’s resolve to do better after fumbling an attempt. The DM can also award Heroic Inspiration to a player character who’s done something that is particularly heroic or in character.
    ONLY ONE AT A TIME. You can never have more than one instance of Heroic Inspiration. If something gives you Heroic Inspiration and you already have it, you can give Heroic Inspiration to a player character in your group who lacks it.
  • In addition to the above you may also use your Inspiration to confer disadvantage to a d20 Test. This must be called before the roll is made.


BA: Bonus Action
FA: Full Action
CSL: Common Sign Language

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