Community Kitchen

Sponsored by Hestia's Hearth Guild.
  "The crumbled ruin of Northwest has been used in part to make a shelterd cooking space for more involved meals. A make shift stone griddle has been made from a large polished peice of marble set atop large rough stones. It is stable, heats well and, thanks to the seasoning of a professional, is largely non stick. Three fire pits crackle merrily keping it heated. To one side is a stone grill fasshioned from more intact blocks and the decorative thin metals that could be found to make a gate. Against the non collapsed section of wall is a large stonde oven for indirect heat cooking made of a coulpe slabs for cooking surface and piled stones with mus to retain heat. The lower chamber of the oven has a fire crackling in it while the spacious cooking chamber is above it, the glow of the fire visable in the back.
  The remaining roof covers the cooking surfaces and storage area behind them. The openness paired with chimneys keep the space mostly free of smoke and smell at the cost of the whole area smelling what is cooked." ~Morgan


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