Daniella Durane, "Mirage"

Daniella Durane, "Mirage"

She exclusively introduces herself as, and refers to herself as, Mirage to present date. She somehow manages to talk a lot about herself, her family, and where she's from without actually divulging any significant information at the same time. What is known as that she's anachronistic to her surroundings in every way possible, including a tendency to almost 'skip' and 'flicker' from place to place, as if stepping out of reality... or falling out of it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mirage is muscular, and makes absolutely no attempt to hide her physical nature. She typically runs wherever she's going rather than walk, and is quick to resort to utilizing that strength to get work done.

Body Features

Of note visible note, none, though she does have her share of scars hidden away.

Facial Features

Her most striking facial feature would be a pair of bright and vibrant, almost turquoise. The color is uncommon, and easily draws attention in the light. Overall, she sits on the slightly cute end of the spectrum, and her long and light colored hair makes the hat work well.

Identifying Characteristics

Her most easily identifying feature is her striking eye color.

Physical quirks

Aside from being far taller and more muscular than the average human woman, there's none of particular note.

Special abilities

As someone who fell through time, Mirage is capable of manipulating it to a degree. She describes her ability as, "spotting cracks in a moment and opening them wider to step through," but in reality, it's more akin to moving one moment into the place of another, rewriting causality to reorder the way events occur.

Apparel & Accessories

From a more technologically advanced time, Mirage is typically seen wearing a pair of boots, cargo pants, a long sleeved shirt, a light kevlar vest, and a pair of plasteel arm guards. To most everyone, these are strange and alien, much lighter and less bulky looking that contemporary clothing.

Specialized Equipment

Mirage is a close combat specialist with a penchant for violent applications of extreme force. The girl is also a trained locksmith and thief, owing to her upbringing as a career criminal. She spends her time working on her own projects when she can, with the intent to learn more about the world she finds herself in.

The girl who calls herself Mirage is from a different time and place. Formerly in a world of machinery and electronics, she is now in a land of sword and sorcery... Something'll work out, right?

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tannd
175 lbs


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