Kohanke - Creation & Destruction

“From the waters of the world, Kohanke did rise up the Islands, to give us land to rest upon. To grow our trees, and give us metals, that we could build up our great Empire! She gave us the Seven, to look towards, and help to guide us, so that we could live happier and more fulfilled lives.” ~TolStompi
  "Her throne causes earth to tremble, and the sky to darken." ~Cyrilth
  It is a piece of contested knowledge that Kohanke destroyed the world and the people in it.
  Kohanke is the goddess of Creation and Destruction and is the 'God of all gods'. She is called 'Mother of All', 'Mother of Life,' and 'The Lifegiver' and, due to her connection with volcanoes, she is also called 'She Who Spews Fire'. She brings life to all the isles and the Unicorn is her servant.
  Apparently if a person's emotions are too singularly focused, they run the risk of illness. In the case of an emotional alignment with Kohanke, whose light is change and shadow is apathy, a person can become an elemental spirit or a shade. There is a shaman who can apparently cure this. It is unknown whether these shades are the same as The Shadows.
  When the Font Tribe were summoned to the Acropolis by a dragon, Kohanke petrified that dragon into obsidian, now The Obsidian Dragon. It is not known precisely why, perhaps she was angered.
  There is a volcano in the northeast that is called 'Kohanke's Throne' or sometimes 'The Seat of Kohanke'. It has been suggested, but not confirmed, that Kohanke dwells at the top. The volcano is close enough that if it erupted, it would wipe out the settlement on the Acropolis. Locals believe that when the volcano starts to show activity, that Kohanke is mad and that is important to prostrate to the volcano and pray to stave off her anger.


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