

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean, athletic frame that makes her as strong as she is agile.

Facial Features

Pale skin and hair lacking any color aside from from her glowing yellow eyes. Usually sporting a mask to hide her reactions to those around her.

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoos on her arm reflective of the temple writings where she lost her childhood friend. Scarring on her jaw a neck that is usually hidden by her mask.

Physical quirks

A pesky shadow that likes to pick on its owner.

Special abilities

You will find out ;)

Apparel & Accessories

Pretty worn out pants that now have serveral holes, a half shirt made of animal hide that shows her midriff and connects to a hood, a mask and leather boots. Usually carries her shortword but has a hidden dagger in her boot and a crossbow for ranged emergencies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After losing her childhood friend much too soon Nia devoted herself to becoming stronger so she wouldn’t lose anyone else again. She became a protector of travelers and worked with a few closer friends to help keep caravans safe in the desolate places of the Shadow Plane. One night she switched shifts for a patrol so a friend could have the night off and the caravan she was escorting was attacked. Having been in the wrong place and time the young Kayal died. She awoke to a small cat licking her face with disaster all around her and no sign of her mission having been a success. Striving to become even stronger she nurtured the bond with the kitten and learned to work together. They stayed away from others for fear of losing yet another person she loved until an odd portal opened before her. She stepped through it into an unknown place hoping this time she would be strong enough to at least keep her little Nox safe.

Failures & Embarrassments

Losing her friend and then her own tragic demise.

Mental Trauma

Fears losing more people so she closes herself off. Refuses to have friends again because if there is no one you care about then you can't be hurt when they leave.

Morality & Philosophy

Will help maintain her surroundings as long as it is to her benefit. Will not go out of her way to help others as that has only lead to suffering in the past.

Personality Characteristics


To not die again and protect her sweet little Nox.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common and Shadowtongue.


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