Rags of the Billowing Willows Tribe

Rags of the Billowing Willows Tribe

Rags of the Billowing Willows, canonneer and vanguard of the Billowing Willows Tribe. Mad scientist extraordinaire and idiot savant when it comes to handling explosives.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A muscular goblin of above average height compared to the multiverse goblins, she’s ‘wild’ looking and clearly not caring too much for her appearance, practicality coming first, if it’s comfortable then that’s more than enough. She won’t ever bother with makeup or the like.

Facial Features

Lightly angular, she is ‘classically beautiful’ for a goblin, thick eyebrows Identifying marks:

Physical quirks

Many tiny scars from shrapnel and minor explosions (and her own rebounding splash damage)

Apparel & Accessories

A copper locket with inside a brine dragon scale (ensigned with her name)

Specialized Equipment

Her ‘Riches’ (Flingflenser), her ‘Blade ammo’ bandoleers (Twining Chains), Her ‘Sweet Dreams’ (Backpack Ballista)

Mental characteristics


No formal education except what she learned in her tribe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Building her own weapon 'Riches'.

Mental Trauma

Falling into stasis for X years.

Intellectual Characteristics

Believes in sharing knowledge and learning from one another.

Morality & Philosophy

I help people who help me, that’s what keeps us alive. The bonds we forge and work in betterment of the tribe.

Personality Characteristics


Find out what happened to her tribe, preserve her tribe’s knowledge, create the greatest gun in existence (Fully rune out ‘Riches’ and its attachments).

Vices & Personality flaws

I’m a bit too lackadaisical with the rules.
  Violence is my answer to almost any challenge

Personality Quirks

I love using regional dialects and borrowing words from my native tongue whilst speaking with others in the common tongue.

Armed to the teeth goblin vanguard with a deepseated love for siege weaponry.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
9 (mentally and physically a full adult)
Frizzy, unkempt, not taken care off, clearly burn related incidents in the past. Darker green than her skin colour.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 feet and an inch
~55 pounds
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Better ten blades soaring through the sky, than one blade in the hand to cut them up with.”
“Overwhelming firepower prevails always.”
“Armed to the teeth.”
“Strangers are just friends you haven’t met.”
Known Languages
Goblin with a weird dialect, common

Rag's Goblingo

Goblingo Example: Vlam: (To vlam is to die by fire, he vlamt)   Vlam To die a burning death   Glas To die a freezing death   Ontooft Death by execution   Oupatat Impossible   Onger Death by starvation   Ferdrink Death by drowning   Oupatat To die of old age   Leegprater Someone who speaks all the time not doing anything.   Ziekt To die of disease   Mooysterft To die a noble death, sacrifice for tribe   Ferlooren Death of Tribe   Slegsterft To die an ignoble death, betrayal   Drooglander Idiot, moron, stupid person (general insult)   Knal Death by gun   Swaard Death by blade   Ontonger Death by being eaten


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