The Unicorn - Goddess of the Sun

"Bringer of the day! Goddess of the Sun! The Fiery Dawn!" ~Cyrilth
  "Unicorn bring sun... which also bring life! Unicorn is nature!" ~Cyrilth
  Most of what we know about the Unicorn has come from Cyrilth , who both belongs to her as a servant and was raised from an egg by her. They seem to have a mental connection. The Unicorn has many titles, including 'Mother of Light', 'Dawnbringer', and 'The Horned One'. She is the servant of Kohanke and is kind and beautiful with a pure white coat and a spiral horn.
  The Unicorn is a minor goddess who pulls the sun across the sky, chased by The Dragon who pulls the moon. She is currently held as a willing captive in a large tree by The Great Spirit for "safeguarding" from the Dragon, for if the Dragon catches her, the world will end - though this is believed to be a lie. The Unicorn has been telepathically calling to people to beg for help. Whether she is actually a willing prisoner or otherwise seems to be a matter of some debate. Cyrilth believes the tree-cave that the Unicorn is being kept in is making the Unicorn scared and that the Great Spirit tricked the Unicorn into said cave.
  Without the Unicorn to pull the sun through the sky, there is only a false light to brighten the day, casting shadows everywhere at once. Plants are in anguish and sleep is disrupted for most.
  Cyrilth has claimed that the Unicorn has secret teachings deep in the woods. Perhaps her shrines may yield a clue.
  One of the Unicorn's teachings is that the Fae are supposed to be guardians or protectors of nature.


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