Culm Settlement in Empire of Stars and Ash | World Anvil


Culm, also known as the Manufactory, is the industrial heart of the dominion of Ankhada. This river side city's skyline soars with an endless array of smokestacks spewing the pollutants from the magic blast furnaces in the buildings below. The haze of smoke and atmospheric pollutants coat every surface and keep the streets in a perpetual twilight. Madness, mutations and disease are rampant inside its massive walls. Culm has been destroyed and rebuilt numerous times over the cycles, but each time it and it's factories are rebuilt more dark and ominous than before.   The Entropic Theurgy sends those it deems irrepressible to work as slave labor. The life expectancy of the laborers is just a few short years. Each year followed with increasing sickness and random mutations. Some of the mutations are beneficial to the laborer, but all are excruciatingly painful.   The factories great blast furnaces are fueled by Vaticinium scavenged by the nomadic tribes. Those bits that are too damaged to be immediately useful are broken down and smelted into their purest forms before being smithed by Vaticnar into new Vaticinium. These new Vaticinium are dangerously unstable and no where near as powerful as the ones unearthed by the tribes. Progress on this is being made every day with new insights being discovered.   The Ouse River runs turgid near Culm. It's waters murky with an oily sheen. Strange ripples can be seen on the surface. The current seems to run in odd directions, defying the laws of physics. Strange creatures swim the waters. For those brave enough, they can be fished for and eaten. Sometimes, the ones doing the fishing are eaten instead.
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