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Bemere Erstina

A powerful mage and good friend to Ishan. She’s highly regarded by the teachers and students of Arathorn. To this day she stands as an inspiration for many spellcasters. Her powerful magic could shatter mountains and block out the sun. Yet her strong and feminine demeanor is something many young elves aspire to be. She was the main pillar of Arathorn, keeping everything in check.   She grew up with her family of sorceres, mastering her magic of light and thunder at an early age. Her child named was Tara before she took the name Bemere as she became one hundered yeard old. After that, she traveled the world in search of new knowledge. She ventured for around hundered years before meeting a young man, human. He studied to become a wizard and was already wise beyond his years. Bemere was impressed and they quickly became friends. As the Unchained Eclipse ravaged across the world, Bemere helped Ishan Ibarin to fight the evil forces and protect the innocent.   When Ishan proposed they create a suitable place to teach younger generation, Bemere was immediately on board with the idea. With the two of them in charge of leading the project, the other founders quickly tagged along. Her main focus was order and structure. She conjured the massive buildings in the trees, designing it to her will.   Once it all was up and running, Bemere was very direct with her students. She was always present and never afraid to step in and guide her pupils as they discovered their inner powers. Her duty compelled her to help Ishan with diplomati matters as well, altough it was never her favourite passtime. She usually found people of power to be revolting and selfish, but she always supported Ishan. During meetings she would keep a strict and serious demeanor, commanding respect, which in turn made her partner seem like a gentleman.    Times got harder as more and more of her Founding friends past on. She would stay strong for everyone, supporting them in their times of grief, until she herself couldn't hold out any longer. After so many years of guiding and teaching, Bemere falls into her final slumber. Her life was celebrated high up in the sky tower of Arathorn.
Lawful Good
640 2523
Bright blue
Silky long blone
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.80 m
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements

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