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The one the open the worlds eyes to see how great the centaurs can be on the battlefield.   He lived a quiet life with his herd on the open planes, until it got infected by evil energy. Determined to find a solution, Mikozio's herd took to the roads looking for answers. He was a respected leader, always standing up for his people, so they followed him without question. They defeated any enemy that dared to attack them and left a trail of bodies behind them. Mikozio was always the first to handle any situation, protecting the rest. He has quite a few battle scars to show for it.   While on the road, they encountered a large group of dwarves. Their leader, a red haired woman asked to speak with Mikozio. He was immediately impressed by her determination to protect her kin and he suggested they travel together from then on. The woman by the name of Hulibela Wargrip, accepted. The two leaders fought off many dangers alongside one another becoming a fearsome duo. Words reached them of a wizard who was gathering people to take a stand against the Unchained Eclipse and they go find him.   The centaur became legendary after the battle of the Unchained Eclipse. Stories of how he bravely fought of hundereds of demonic creatures to protect his fellow companions would be told for hundereds of years and inspire many future fighters.   Because of his skills in battle, Mikozio became the main tutor for the soldiers at Arathorn. He had both love and respect from all of his subordinates. He cared for them as if they were foals of his own. During his years of service he would come to train many great paladins known today as great warriors. The centaur would always stay humble though, offering his friends and comrades not just advice in combat but also in life. Ishan valued his opinions tremedously and Mikozio would always show great interest whenever a soldier was to be sent to a new location.   His large statue is the first to greet you once you enter the main bridge to the school. Underneath it is where his body lies, still keeping watch over his beloved school.
Lawful Good
842 1446
Fluffy dark brown mane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2.50 m
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements

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